Random Revelations: Article #330- 30 Remarkably Unique and True Random Facts

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1Sundsvall Regional Hospital

Sundsvall Regional Hospital

The regional hospital in Sundsvall, Sweden is cooled year-round with stored snow from the winter months, reducing energy consumption for cooling by over 90%.

2. The Palace of Justice in Belgium has been under renovation continuously since 1984. This is so long that even the scaffolding that has been in use for the renovation is now in need of renovation since it is dangerously rusty.

3. Princess Märtha Louise, the King of Norway's firstborn is a self-described 'clairvoyant'. She has started a school for communicating with angels and dead souls and is currently dating a self-described shaman.

4. Both the Department of Justice and the Library of Congress have tried to count the total number of Federal criminal laws in the United States. They were both unable to arrive at a definitive number.

5. There is a phenomenon called "Phantom Kangaroo" where people report seeing kangaroos, wallabies, and/or their footprints where there is no native population, such as France or the United States.

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6B-29 Superfortress

B-29 Superfortress

The B-29 Superfortress, which dropped the atomic bombs, cost $3 billion to develop. The entire Manhattan Project cost $1.9 billion. So making these planes was about 50% more expensive than the bombs themselves.

7. Babe Ruth got his nickname because Jack Dunn, the owner of the Orioles, was forced to legally adopt him at the age of 19 to remove him from a Jesuit school so he could sign his first professional contract. This led to his teammates calling him "Dunn's baby", which became "Babe."

8. The Ancient Greek politician Hyperbolus put forward a motion for ostracism (exile) in an attempt to have one of the two more popular politicians ostracized. Instead, the two factions put aside their differences and voted to ostracize Hyperbolus. He was the last Athenian to be ostracized.

9. Only a quarter of the Sahara desert is sandy. It also has salt flats, gravel plains, plateaus, and mountains that have snow.

10. The world's shortest international bridge is in Esperança, Portugal. Though it measures only 10.4 feet long (3.2 meters), this bridge spans the border river between Portugal and Spain.

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11Dawn Detergent

Dawn Detergent

Dawn, the preferred detergent for cleaning oil spills, ironically derives its grease-fighting power from petroleum-derived chemicals.

12. In 1910, the Brazilian Navy's Black sailors mutinied (Revolt of the Lash) over unequal punishments for Black Sailors (such as lashings). They seized 3 battleships and threatened to level Rio de Janeiro unless egalitarian reforms were made in the navy. The Government even gave amnesty to the mutineers as a compromise.

13. The substance that forms the outer shell of plant spores and pollen, Sporopollenin is one of the toughest, most stable biopolymers in the world. It's so resistant that it can't be studied using normal enzymes or chemical reagents, and it can stay intact in sediment for more than 500 million years.

14. Simeon Stylites was a Syrian Christian ascetic who achieved notability by climbing a pillar in Syria in 423 A.D. and remaining there until his death 37 years later.

15. David Bowie wrote 'Life on Mars' because he was pissed at Frank Sinatra and the success of 'My Way.'

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16Log Book Origin

Log Book Origin

The term log comes from determining the speed of a ship. A log was put into water tied to a rope and they measured “knots” to see how far they traveled. A person who timed this procedure would then write down the ship’s speed in a book which was called a “log” book.

17. In 1898, the United States and Spain fought a mock battle in the Philippines in order to prevent Filipinos from taking the city of Manila. The two countries managed to lose a total of 68 soldiers in the fake battle.

18. In London, there is a group of 61 nationally recognized and protected trees called "The Great Trees of London.” In the aftermath of the Great Storm of 1987, in which an estimated 15 million British trees were felled, Londoners were asked to nominate their favorite trees. 41 were chosen then and further 20 were added in 2008.

19. There are only about 30 Ancient Egyptian obelisks left standing worldwide and Italy has more than Egypt.

20. Although both the Navy and the Marine Corps are regarded as separate branches of the military, the Marine Corps is technically a part of the U.S. Navy, ever since Congress placed the Marines under the Navy in 1834.

21First Battle of Bull Run

First Battle of Bull Run

The First Battle of Bull Run was watched by a large number of spectators who packed picnic baskets and followed the Union to watch the battle. They ultimately got in the way and hampered the retreat of the Union Army. One congressman was even captured by the Confederates.

22. Eastern Grey Squirrels were purposefully introduced to American city parks in the early 19th century as a form of entertainment and for those who lived in cities to get more exposure to nature.

23. The Jerrycan was invented in 1937 in Germany. At the start of World War 2, UK used leaky, flimsy tin containers called “flimsies,” but soon started stockpiling any German jerry cans they could lay their hands on. Later in the war, Allies started copying the German design.

24. Hemingway cats carry the polydactyl gene and can produce six-toed kittens.

25. Sham surgeries are fake surgical interventions. It is a placebo surgery where someone is told they have received a surgery, when in fact they only have a small skin incision while being sedated. In one study, those in the placebo group reported the same shoulder pain relief as those getting the actual shoulder surgery.


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