Random Revelations: Article #248- 36 Surprisingly Weird Random Facts You Didn’t Know

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Rags was a stray mutt who was found by a U.S. soldier during World War 1. Rags became the mascot of the 1st Infantry Division after he saved hundreds of lives by running messages under fire. When Rags was injured he was sent to a field hospital with an order from Head Quarters "The dog gets attention the same as soldiers."

27. Married men are healthier than men who were never married or whose marriages ended in divorce or widowhood. Men who have marital partners also live longer than men without spouses.

28. The saying "Irish Goodbye," refers to a person ducking out of a party, social gathering, or very bad date without bidding farewell.

29. The baseball Hall of Famer Larry Walker was fixated on the number 3. He wore number 33, was married on November 3 at 3:33 and his phone number had “as many threes as the phone company would allow.” In 1993, he signed a $3 million contract.

30. SS Baychimo was a Swedish built 1,322-ton cargo steam-ship that was left abandoned by its crew in 1931 due to fear of sinking. Surprisingly, Baychimo did not sink but instead drifted around as a ghost ship for nearly 40 years without a crew. She was last seen in 1969.

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31Lady Margaret Beaufort

Lady Margaret Beaufort

Lady Margaret Beaufort, who was married to Edmund Tudor at age 12, gave birth to the future Henry VII at just age 13. A political pawn during the Wars of the Roses, her first marriage took place when she was no older than 3.

32. Chickens have earlobes, and the color of a hen's eggs corresponds to the earlobe color.

33. The key to American victory in the Revolutionary War was the 75-ton “Great Chain” that stretched across the Hudson River to prevent the British from moving inland. It was such an obstacle, they paid Benedict Arnold £20,000 for the plans to the Chain’s main defenses, at Fort West Point

34. Japan has spent $600 million protecting two rocks that are part of the coral reef Okinotorishima because it gives Japan a 200 nautical mile (370.4 km) exclusive economic zone (EEZ) around the atoll.

35. Hypnagogia is the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep during which many hallucinations can occur, including the sensation of being bigger/smaller than yourself, floating, or falling.

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36Cross dominance

Cross dominance

Cross dominance or mixed-handedness is a motor skill manifestation where each hand is better at different activities. Ex: being a lefty when writing but preferring the right hand for throwing a ball, etc.


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