26Auschwitz Prisoner Revolt

During a prisoner revolt at Auschwitz in 1944, an SS guard was burned alive by prisoners in a crematorium oven.
27. Dairy Queen doesn't serve ice cream. To be categorized as ice cream, the minimum butterfat content must be 10% and their product only has only 5 percent butterfat. Therefore, it is called “soft-serve.”
28. When a 36-year-old Indian man named Sanju Bhagat who had been teased his entire life for looking pregnant got the condition checked out, the doctors ended up pulling out hair, hands, bones, and limbs of the man’s twin brother, who had been trapped in his twin as a fetus and continued to grow post-birth, from his stomach.
29. A duck is called a duck because it ducks its head under the water to feed. The animal was named after the verb and not the other way around.
30. Eric Erickson was a Swedish businessman who pretended to be devoted to the Nazis but was really a spy for the American military. He made more than 30 trips to Germany between 1939 and 1945. He mapped out oil refineries that were later bombed. His family had disowned him for “supporting” Hitler.
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Dogs can “laugh” when they’re playful. Researchers played recordings of dogs laughing to stressed shelter dogs, resulting in the dogs showing significantly fewer signs of stress. Many of the dogs and puppies began to bounce around and responded with laughs of their own.
32. Emperor Nero gave musical performances in which citizens were so forbidden to leave that pregnant women would give birth during them. Despite this, the historian Suetonius records, some people were so desperate to leave that they would fake their own deaths in order to get dragged out.