26Yanyuwa Dialects
Men and women of the Yanyuwa tribe in the Northern Territory of Australia speak different dialects of the same Yanyuwa language. The only time men use the women’s dialect is if they are quoting someone of the opposite sex and vice versa.
27. Alexander III of Russia saved his family when the imperial train derailed in 1888, by holding up the collapsed roof of the dining car. The onset of his kidney failure was later attributed to the blunt trauma suffered in this incident.
28. Coyotes will often befriend badgers in order to form hunting parties. The coyote hunts for faster-moving prey while the badger digs up burrows.
29. In 2018, a trucker in Oregon hauling potato chips got lost in an unfamiliar area after entering the wrong GPS coordinates and became stuck on a snowy embankment while attempting to turn around. He was found after 4 days so dehydrated that his kidneys shut down and he was close to having frostbite on one foot but still he didn't eat one chip.
30. Gonorrhea is one of the strongest known organisms, capable of pulling with a force 100,000 times their own body weight. This is equivalent to a human pulling 10 million kilos.
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31Paul Winchell
Paul Winchell, the voice of the beloved character, Tigger, also invented the artificial heart.
32. Ivaylo the “lettuce” was a swineherd, who, frustrated with the Mongol raids on his lands, led a peasant army which defeated the Mongols and later the Bulgarian army, slaying the king and taking the throne. He defeated the Mongols again and the Byzantines 3 times, at one point fighting a 2 front war.
33. Rubies and Sapphires are the same mineral, Corundum. They differ with color due to small imperfections of the mineral.
34. The black paint that is used around the outside of your car’s windshield is called ‘frit’. The frit band both hides the sealant securing the windshield to your car and protects it from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, which can damage the adhesive.
35. In 1965, a Ukrainian farmer dug up the lower jawbone of a mammoth. Further excavations revealed the presence of 4 huts, made up of a total of 149 mammoth bones. These dwellings, dating back some 15,000 years, were determined to have been some of the oldest shelters ever built.
36Milk Duds
Milk Duds were intended to be candy spheres but the machines produced less-than-round candies which the workers called “duds”. The "milk" part of the name refers to the large amount of milk in the candy.