Random Revelations: Article #205- 30 Curiously True and Fascinating Random Facts

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26River Thames

River Thames

Between 1309 and 1814 the River Thames would freeze so solid and deep that people held fairs on them, often having large Bonfires and the frozen river could even hold elephants on it.

27. Franklin Dixon, the author of over 200 Hardy Boys books which have sold over 70 million copies worldwide is not a real person but a collective pseudonym for dozens of authors who have written for the series. Canadian author Leslie McFarlane wrote 19 of the first 25 books.

28. The 'thousand-yard stare' is a phrase often used to describe the blank, unfocused gaze of soldiers who have become emotionally detached from the horrors around them. It is also sometimes used more generally to describe the look of dissociation among victims of other types of trauma.

29. The oldest known piece of music is a drinking song called the Epitaph of Seikilos. Its lyrics include the line "Life exists only for a short while, and time demands its toll."

30. Crows and ravens can mimic human languages.


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