26Oscar Romero
Oscar Romero, the Bishop of El Salvador, spoke out against poverty, social injustice, assassinations, and torture in his country. He was murdered by unidentified gunmen while celebrating Mass. He was later declared a saint by Pope Francis.
27. After Hunter S. Thompson, the author best known for Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, died, he was cremated and his ashes were fired out of a cannon. The cannon was placed on top of a 153-foot statue of a fist holding a peyote button, paid for by Johnny Depp.
28. CBS created a show called Kid Nation (2007), where 40 kids ages 8-15 spent 40 days without direct adult supervision in a ghost town where they had to create a sustainable community.
29. President George W. Bush was almost assassinated in 2005 after Vladimir Arutyunian threw a live RGD-5 hand grenade wrapped in a handkerchief at him. Miraculously it failed to detonate because the handkerchief remained around the grenade preventing the striker lever from releasing.
30. Central Park in New York is home to a 3500-year-old Egyptian obelisk named Cleopatra's Needle. Weighing 200 tons, it was gifted to the US in 1877 in gratitude for the US not interfering in Egyptian politics.
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15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History
NFL tried to sue rapper M.I.A. for 100% of her earnings for life (if she ever earned over $2 million) because she flipped a middle finger at the 2012 super bowl halftime show.
32. In Deadpool, Stan Lee played a DJ at a Vancouver strip club. He later revealed that he actually filmed his part in a studio and was disappointed not to be in the vicinity of the topless dancers.
33. Rastafarians believed Haile Selassie, then king of Ethiopia to be the second coming of Jesus. Selassie refuted this and publicly denied his immorality. Rastafarians took this as proof he was in fact, Jesus. Selassie's subsequent death in 1975 resulted in a crisis of faith for many Rastafarians.
34. During the East Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, many Koreans willingly gave up their precious jewelry, heirlooms, and mementos in order to help their country pay off their debt to the IMF.
35. A Japanese bullet train is cleaned in just 7 minutes and prepared for the next set of passengers. So including disembarking and boarding, the train stops for only 12 minutes.
36Bob Cousy
Boston Celtics legend Bob Cousy rejected a hotel room in 1950 as a teammate and first African-American in the NBA Chuck Cooper was denied a room due to the policies of then-segregated Charlotte, North Carolina. Cousy insisted on traveling with Cooper on a cramped overnight train instead.