1Peter Principle

Continually getting promoted until you reach the point of incompetence compared to your peers is called the Peter Principle.
2. Microwaves use the 2.4 GHz frequency to cook your food which is the same frequency that WIFI uses. This is why microwaves can sometimes cause WIFI interference.
3. In China, if you hit someone with your car you pay for their medical care. Killing someone, however, is a onetime fine. For this reason, people have gone back to kill someone they accidentally hit.
4. The word “Nonchalant” has no opposite. There’s no “chalant,” just “nonchalant.” This is the only word that only has a negative form in the English language.
5. Walt Disney often visited Disneyland in disguise; wearing old clothes and a straw farmer’s hat to avoid attention to himself. He would sit on rides and time them to make sure operators didn’t rush Disneyland visitors.
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15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History
6Senator Hugo Black

Senator Hugo Black who originally drafted ‘The Fair Labor Standards Act’ in 1932, which is responsible for the 40-hour workweek, originally proposed 30-hour workweek but was met with stiff resistance.
7. There has been a Raisin Cartel managed by the US federal government since 1949. It would steal raisins, by force even, from farmers to keep the prices high. It finally got taken down by the Supreme Court in 2015.
8. Moscow street dogs display specialized behaviors that differentiate them from domesticated dogs and wolves. The street dog pack leaders tend to be the most intelligent rather than the strongest, and they tend to deploy their cuter members first, as they are more successful in begging for food from people.
9. In 2012, rumors began circulating on the Iranian Internet that Pepsi planned to use powerful lasers to shine the image of their logo on the Moon’s surface. Thousands of Iranians climbed onto their roofs to stare at the Moon. When nothing happened, some bought Coca-Cola out of spite.
10. Japan has the largest organized crime group in the world called Yamaguchi Gumi that is worth $80 billion. By contrast, Sinaloa, Mexico’s largest drug cartel, was worth $3 billion.

The iPhone didn't work when they demonstrated it for the first time, but Steve Jobs made it look like it did by doing things in the right order. The iPhone could play a section of a song or a video, but it couldn’t play an entire clip reliably without crashing. It worked fine if you sent an e-mail and then surfed the Web. If you did those things in reverse, however, it might not. Hours of trial and error had helped the iPhone team develop what engineers called “the golden path,” a specific set of tasks, performed in a specific way and order that made the phone look as if it worked.'
12. A study conducted by the University of Queensland has concluded that “extreme” music such as Heavy Metal can positively influence those experiencing anger by regulating sadness and enhancing positive emotions.
13. When Pablo Escobar’s daughter wanted a unicorn, he bought her a horse and stapled a cone to its head and wings to its back. The horse died from an infection.
14. When Marco Polo passed through Sumatra, he saw an animal, which he thought was a unicorn. He said it was a combination of a wild boar, a buffalo, and an elephant. The animal he was describing was actually a rhinoceros.
15. When Segway, the American company which manufactures self-balancing personal transportation devices, sued a Chinese company named Ninebot for selling knockoff units and patent infringement, Ninebot acquired Segway in 2015.

Budapest was once two cities, Buda and Pest. They merged in 1873.
17. Hitler did not learn of the allied D-day landings as they happened but only when he woke up at noon the next day. His staff did not dare wake him up because he had been up till 3 am chatting with friends at his residence.
18. The four vultures in Disney’s ‘The Jungle Book’ were both designed after and originally supposed to be voiced by ‘The Beatles.’
19. Ron Jeremy was a teacher before going into Porn and holds a Master’s Degree in Special Education.
20. Research has found that dye in blue M&M's repairs rats' spinal injuries when injected into them. It also turns them blue.
21Nazi Buses

Special buses were used by Nazi’s to transport mentally disabled people. The buses had their exhaust fed directly into the passenger compartment, in order to kill the occupants.
22. When Florida suffered catastrophic wildfires in 1995, Florida’s Division of Forestry discovered that the underlying problem was the cessation of controlled burning, which was stopped at the behest of homeowners.
23. Pacman was designed to be a never-ending game. The variable that holds the level was only an 8-bit integer though, so at level 256, the game goes bonkers, and level 256 is impossible to beat.
24. The Apollo program had a massive effect on the atmosphere of the Moon, with each landing potentially doubling the Moon’s atmospheric mass.
25. The black-footed cat, which is Africa's smallest feline predator, has been known to kill sheep by hanging on to their throats until they have bitten through the jugular. They only grow to a maximum size of roughly 5 lbs.