Random Fact Sheet #321 – Great Tapestry of Randomness: 30 Facts That Will Make You Appreciate the Unexpected

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26Secretariat’s Heart

Secretariat’s Heart

When Secretariat (a horse that won the triple crown in 1973) died, his body was sent to the University of Kentucky for an autopsy. They found his heart weighed an astounding 22 pounds! The average weight of a mature thoroughbred horse’s heart is a mere eight pounds.

27. When King Leopold II of Belgium personally acquired the “Congo Free State” in 1885, it was 76 times the size of Belgium. He claimed the land at the 1884-1885 Berlin conference promising to improve the lives of the locals but ended up enslaving them to gather ivory and natural rubber.

28. In 1859, a 2-hour telegraph conversation between Portland and Boston was able to be had without the use of any battery power. This was due to an aurora borealis generating enough electric current in the telegraph wires.

29. Every year on Good Friday, Filipino Catholic devotees are voluntarily, non-lethally crucified. Sterilized nails are driven through their hands and feet. One especially devoted man has been crucified 33 times.

30. Scientists have found microbes buried beneath the seafloor that divide once every 10,000 years and are as much as 100 million years old.

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