Random Fact Sheet #273 – Discovering World’s Most Intriguing Facts: 30 Examples

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26Beirut Chess

Beirut Chess

Beirut Chess is a chess variant in which players secretly equip one of their men with a “bomb”, which can be detonated at any time, wiping out all pieces on surrounding squares.

27. There is an opposite to “déjà vu”, they call it “jamais vu.” It’s when you meet the same people or visit places, again and again, but each time, is the first. Everybody is always a stranger. Nothing is ever familiar.

28. Dance marathons provided food, shelter, and morbid entertainment during The Great Depression. People died from exhaustion and attempted suicide after dancing for weeks and it was very lucrative.

29. A ghost light is a single bulb left burning in a theatre when it’s dark. Some argue it’s meant to chase away spirits; others say it lights the way for the ghosts that are said to inhabit virtually every theatre. Either way, the light ensures no one takes an accidental tumble off the stage.

30. Swifts (highly aerial birds), spend most of their lives flying in the air and can fly for almost an entire year, without ever landing. 

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