Random Fact Sheet #256 – 35 Coolest Facts You Didn’t Know

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26Tylenol murders

Tylenol murders

The Chicagoland Tylenol murders still remain unsolved and no one was ever charged. In 1982, 7 people were murdered via cyanide-laced Tylenol capsules; leading to industry-wide tamper-proof seals and phasing out of capsules.

27. The cinematographer for the music video of REM’s “The One I Love” was chef, Alton Brown. Reportedly, between takes, he would watch cooking shows and thought he could do better.

28. Around 1000 years after the great pyramids were built, most mammoth populations had died out. However, in Wrangel Island in Russia, there were around 500-1000 mammoths still alive.

29. Steven Spielberg watched Seinfeld episodes while filming Schindler's List to cheer himself up.

30. The Memory of Mankind is a sophisticated time capsule project in Austria designed to last a million years. The designers made a system for the capsule to be discovered by a future society and even planned for the possibility of it being discovered by alien life.

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31Charles Goodyear

Charles Goodyear

Charles Goodyear is credited with inventing the chemical process to create and manufacture pliable, waterproof, moldable rubber. Goodyear was at the Eagle India Rubber Company where he accidentally discovered that combining rubber and sulfur over a hot stove caused the rubber to vulcanize.

32. Kobe Bryant is the only person to have won both an Olympic Medal and an Oscar in 2017 for the film Dear Basketball.

33. In Austria, people get 14 pay packets per year. The 13th and 14th are paid in Summer and at Christmas, so you get double pay for the holidays.

34. Hypertumor is a type of tumor that forms on top of an existing tumor and kills it. This happens more on larger animals, which may explain why blue whales don't die of cancer often.

35. Plant albinism exists and because of the lack of chlorophyll on their leaves, they have to suck energy from the roots of neighboring plants making them essentially, vampires.

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