Random Fact Sheet #213 – Get Ready to Learn: 30 Uncommon Facts

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26Pronghorn Antelope

Pronghorn Antelope

America’s Pronghorn Antelope is the fastest animal (55 mph) only to the cheetah. It likely evolved this speed to outrun the now-extinct American cheetah; and despite its appearances, it is not an antelope at all, but rather more closely related to giraffes.

27. A Danish man named Thomas Dambo is hiding enormous troll statues made with recycled materials in Belgian forests.

28. Barbara Newhall Follett was a child genius born in 1914 who released her first novel at the age of 12, and her second when she was 14. At the age of 18, she married an unfaithful man and fell into depression. She vanished when she was 25 and was never seen again.

29. Carrots were originally purple. The orange ones we are familiar with today started as a hybrid intended to be sweeter.

30. “Stolpersteine” (German for stumbling stones) are small cobblestones that have inscribed on them the names and fates of Nazi Victims. They are placed all over Europe in front of the last free home the victim had before deportation. Over 70,000 have been placed so far.

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