12006 anti-Nato protest

In 2006, anti-NATO protests in Ukraine canceled a joint exercise designed to simulate a Russian invasion of Crimea.
2. Tupac Shakur once stopped to break up an altercation and ended up shooting two police officers, one in the leg and one in the buttocks. The charges on him were dropped after it was discovered that the officers were intoxicated and had stolen weapons from the police evidence room.
3. The original Super Mario Brothers game actually had 256 "hidden" glitch-filled levels that could be accessed by swapping out your cartridge with "Tennis" without turning the console off.
4. Kraft Mac and Cheese (Kraft Dinner) has been called the de facto national dish of Canada as it is the most popular grocery item in the country. Canadians eat more of it per capita than any other country (55% more than Americans).
5. The Doctor (Andrew Wakefield) who said that the MMR vaccine caused Autism was paid £400,000 to do so by a group of lawyers looking to sue the manufacturers.
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15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History

If you rub a grasshopper's hind leg for five seconds every minute for four hours, it will trigger its brain to transform, swarm, and become a locust.
7. John Cazale (Fredo Corleone from "The Godfather") appeared in only five films during his lifetime. All five were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture. Three of them won.
8. Government vehicles in Cuba are legally required to pick up any hitchhikers.
9. Historically, milk is added before the tea and it was a sign of wealth when someone added their milk afterward, as pouring tea with low-quality porcelain would break the cup.
10. A man in Japan noticed his food going missing. So he set up a webcam and found that a woman had been living in his closet for a year.
11Rosa Parks Highway

In 2000, the KKK adopted a stretch of highway near St Louis. The Missouri government responded by renaming the road the "Rosa Parks Highway."
12. In 1982, drug dealers in California tried to synthesize heroine more cheaply, and accidentally created a substance that gave users late-stage Parkinson's disease in a matter of days.
13. Frank Sinatra helped as a liaison between the leader of Chicago's mafia and the Kennedy family during the '60 primary, in order to get Union backing. When Kennedy reneged on his promises after being elected, Sinatra was punished by having to play 8 straight nights at the crime bosses’ club.
14. Before Neil deGrasse Tyson went on The Daily Show, he paid attention to how many sentences Jon Stewart usually allowed before interrupting. He picked up on the kind of phrases Stewart liked to pick up on, which is why he described astronomy using sexually suggestive language.
15. Al "Scarface" Capone got his infamous scars when he told a woman "You got a nice a*s" in front of her brother while working at a bar.
16Chernobyl fireman

A Chernobyl fireman who claimed they didn't know that the Chernobyl meltdown flames were radioactive, 20 years later said "Of course we knew! If we had followed regulations, we would never have gone near the reactor. It was a moral obligation, our duty. We were like kamikaze."
17. There is a metal band called Hatebeak whose lead singer is an African grey parrot.
18. Hollywood comedy My Cousin Vinny is often praised by lawyers due to its accurate depiction of courtroom procedure, something very rare in films which portray trials. It is even used as a textbook example by law professors to demonstrate voir dire and cross-examination.
19. The word "Oxymoron" is actually an oxymoron, "oxy" meaning sharp and "moron" meaning dull.
20. The British king or queen has two birthdays: their real birth date and one assigned to them during the summer, to ensure better weather for the parade.
21Arthur Guinness

Irish brewer Arthur Guinness was an exceptional individual who used the money he made from brewing to help relief of the poor, abolish dueling, promote literacy, and provided his workers with a higher standard of living.
22. Fox News threatened to sue the Simpsons in order to stop them from parodying its famously anti-democratic party agenda.
23. Clint Eastwood "wore the same poncho, without ever having washed it, in all three of his 'Man with No Name' Westerns."
24. North Korea used to buy full-page ads in the New York Times and other popular newspapers of the West. At least 100 such ads were published from 1969-1997.
25. Children's author Roald Dahl was given a 'Viking funeral' and buried with wine, snooker cues, pencils, and a power saw.