1Julie Amero

Connecticut teacher Julie Amero was convicted of sex offenses after a computer virus caused Porn Pop Ups to be displayed in her classroom. The felony convictions eventually vacated, she was still required to surrender her teaching license.
2. An Albatross (bird) can sleep while flying to avoid predators such as whales and sharks.
3. The lyrics to Elton John's 'Rocket Man' were meant to be taken literally and it is about a Mars-bound astronaut leaving his family to do his job.
4. Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't allowed to voice himself in the German dub of "The Terminator" because the producers thought that his Austrian accent wasn't tough enough for the Terminator. In fact, he's never dubbed himself in all of his movies since.
5. The postal code of the North Pole is H0H 0H0 in reference to Santa
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15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History

A man faked his death to make his wife realize how much she missed him. He left his clothes on the beach and placed an anonymous call to police to say he'd just seen a naked man walk into the sea. But he was soon discovered and his wife filed for divorce after learning about the prank.
7. African elephants are being born without tusks due to poaching, according to researchers
8. Rolling luggage wasn't invented until 1970, and initially, stores didn't want to stock it.
9. Between 1975 and 2008, the number of products in the average supermarket swelled from an average of 8,948 to almost 47,000
10. In Puerto Rico, about two people die, and 25 more are injured due to falling bullets from celebratory gunfire on New Year's Eve.
11Gerrit Kastein

During World War 2, Dutch resistance leader Gerrit Kastein was captured, placed in an interrogation room and tied to a chair. Because he feared he would give up names under torture, while left alone he jumped through a closed second-floor window while still attached to the chair.
12. Nintendo tried to buy the rights to the Harry Potter series from JK Rowling
13. The Padmanabhaswamy Temple, which contains over $22 billion in gold and jewels is estimated to contain over $1 Trillion behind a mysterious sealed door.
14. Iceland's navy took on the UK, Germany, and Belgium in three "Cod Wars", and won all three times with only one death
15. American swimmer Michael Phelps holds the world record for most Olympic medals ever held but also holds the record for the longest putt ever televised.

A cubic mile of ocean water can contain up to 25lbs of gold
17. On February 9, 1964, almost half (45%) of all US television viewers tuned into The Ed Sullivan Show and The Beatles.
18. Aberdeen, Washington, the birthplace of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain, changed their town motto in 2005 to "Come As You Are" as a tribute to Cobain
19. There is a religion formed around the Coen Brothers' film, "The Big Lebowski," called Dudeism. They have an official "church" and can hold weddings.
20. There were five failed assassination plots on Lincoln including one where a bullet went through his top hat
21Nuclear weapons program

Sweden ran a clandestine nuclear weapons program under the guise of civilian defense research between 1945 to 1972
22. King Goujian's army was known for scaring its enemies before battle because its front line consisted of criminals sentenced to death who committed suicide by decapitating themselves.
23. Urinals with Flies painted on them were introduced in 2009 and have reduced "spillage" by as much as 80%
24. Gary Kremen, the founder of Match.com had a relationship end because she found another man on Match.com. He said that was when he knew the site was a success
25. Before toilet paper use came into play, ancient Romans opted for a sponge on the end of a long stick that was shared by everyone in the community. When not in use, that stick stayed in a bucket of heavily salted seawater in the communal bathroom.