Nymeria is long dead when the TV series starts, but she was a revered warrior queen who led the Rhoynar refugees and founded one of the seven kingdoms–a unified Dorne. Arya Stark is so inspired by Nymeria, she names her direwolf after her.
12Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen, famous for her long silver hair in the TV series, is actually bald for much of the book series. Her hair was burnt off along with her clothes when she walked into Khal Drogo’s funeral pyre.
13Obara Sand
Unlike some of her other fellow Sand Snakes (like Nymeria Sand), Obara Sand is not of noble birth; in the books, her mother is a prostitute.
14Meera Reed
Meera Reed, along with her brother Jojen, carries a house crest that depicts a black lizard-lion on a grey-green background.
Osha is one of the few characters who is younger in the TV show that she is in the A Song of Ice and Fire novels.
16Arya Stark
When her kill count hit 64 by the end of season 7, Arya Stark became one of the deadliest characters in the game. Like her sword Needle, she’s tiny and lethal.
17Dacey Mormont
The six-foot-tall Dacey Mormont was one of Robb Stark’s most loyal guards and claimed to have fought every battle with her king. She’s also heir to House Mormont until she is killed at the Red Wedding.
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A lesser-known character, Chella is a warrior of the Black Ear tribe. She wears a necklace made of ears, one ear from each of the foes she has slain.
Ygritte is actually supposed to be unconventional-looking in the books. She has crooked teeth, a pug nose, and wide-set eyes. She still snags Jon Snow, who is drawn to her physical appearance.
20Women death
Game of Thrones women has to be tough to survive. To date, 64% of the female characters have died in the TV series so far, and there have been over 50 acts of rape or attempted rape. In the books, that number climbs to at least 214.