11Female cat

A female cat can apparently have kittens until they die of old age. Only humans, killer whales and pilot whales have menopause.

“Bossy”, a Scottish Fold Cat is the director of communications at the Romanian company ‘Catbox’ and earns a salary of $225 a month (plus bonuses), which is more than some Romanians working in rural areas.
13Selkirk Rex

The unique curly-haired kitties known as the Selkirk Rex can all trace their beginnings back to one single Montana shelter cat.
14Cat Whiskers

Cats actually have whiskers all over their bodies which they use to gauge data about their surroundings.

When a cat eats catnip, it acts as a sedative, but when smelled, it causes the cat to go crazy.
16Henry's Pocket

The little slits on the outside of a cat's ears are called Henry's Pocket, and no one is quite sure why they are there.
17Fading Kitten Syndrome

Fading Kitten Syndrome is a variety of issues including pale gums, low respiratory rate and body temperature that can affect kittens and lead to death if not properly treated.
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18Tortoiseshell cats

Tortoiseshell cats are almost always female. Male ones are incredibly rare and are usually sterile.

There is a new breed of cat called a Lykoi that has the appearance of a "werewolf".
20Peterbald cats

Peterbald cats are mostly hairless and require sunscreen if it goes outside. It also needs to be bathed regularly.