1Motel Spy: Attic Peepholes

A man purchased a motel in Colorado with the sole intention of spying on guests engaged in sexual activities. He chose the motel for its attic, tall enough for standing, and created peepholes disguised as ceiling vents in some rooms. Over decades, he meticulously documented his observations of guests' activities.
2. Isaac Newton clandestinely frequented the bars and taverns in the shady corners of London, disguised, in his pursuit to gather evidence of counterfeiting. His efforts led to 28 convictions, including the hanging of one individual for high treason.
3. Edward Jones, also known as "the Boy Jones," was a 14-year-old who managed to break into Buckingham Palace multiple times while disguised as a chimney sweep and making off with Queen Victoria's underwear.
4. In the Netherlands, there is a secure village specifically designed for individuals with dementia. Here, caretakers in disguise closely monitor and assist them as they lead a semblance of a normal life.
5. The Villa Rose, seemingly an innocuous pink, two-story family home in the Swiss countryside, serves as a disguised military installation during wartime. Concealing massive guns, it formed part of the Toblerone Line, a defensive barrier erected to safeguard Switzerland from potential invasion.
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6Golden Age Pirates: Gender Camouflage

During the Golden Age of Piracy, women sometimes resorted to disguising themselves as men to gain the freedoms and rights typically reserved for men.
7. Cowboy Bob, a notorious female bank robber hailing from Texas, sported a cowboy hat, fake beard, and oversized boots. Despite her unconventional appearance, she never inflicted harm during her heists and managed to elude capture for an extended period due to her effective disguise.
8. Cocktails gained popularity during Prohibition as bootleg liquor was often masked with juices to disguise unpleasant tastes, such as those resulting from ingredients like dead rats and wood tar.
9. During World War II, a Dutch minesweeper eluded Japanese detection for eight days by camouflaging itself as an island. The crew cleverly covered the decks with cut trees and painted exposed surfaces to resemble rocks. Operating solely under the cover of darkness and anchoring close to shore during daylight hours, they eventually made their escape to Australia.
10. In 1988, an illegal crematorium masquerading as a ceramics plant in Los Angeles was discovered when a concerned individual, complaining about a foul odor, remarked, "Don't tell me they're not burning bodies. I was at the ovens at Auschwitz."
111848 Escape: Slave Disguise Journey

In 1848, a slave couple successfully fled to the North by disguising the woman, who was light-skinned, as the man's owner, while he, with darker skin, posed as her valet. Despite her illiteracy, they managed to evade suspicion by feigning illness and forging signatures, once even narrowly avoiding recognition by an acquaintance.
12. Sarah Edmonds, a 21-year-old white woman acting as a spy for the Union Army, infiltrated Confederate territory in Virginia by disguising herself as a black man. She successfully acquired blueprints for a fort, executed sabotage missions against enemy operatives, and then safely returned back north.
13. In 2018, a man hatched a scheme to conceal small bombs disguised as food packages at Target stores. His objective was to tarnish Target's reputation, causing a dip in stock prices, which he planned to exploit by purchasing shares at a reduced price before they rebounded. However, after paying someone else to plant the bomb, authorities apprehended him.
14. Alfred Wintle, a British officer during World War I, attempted to flee from a hospital by disguising himself as a nurse. Despite successfully blending in at a women-only dance in the nurses' quarters, his oversight of forgetting to remove his monocle led to his capture.
15. During World War II, German tank drivers in Africa adopted the superstition of driving over camel dung for luck. In response, the Allies deployed land mines camouflaged as camel droppings. After learning about this tactic, the Germans began riding over dung that was already marked with tank tracks. As a result, the Allies disguised mines to resemble previously overrun dung.
16Pope Joan: Papal Deception Legend

Legend has it that during the Middle Ages, a woman known as Pope Joan reigned for a brief period disguised as a man. Following her exposure, a peculiar tradition allegedly emerged: potential popes were required to sit on a chair with a hole in the seat, allowing a cardinal to check to make sure the new pope had testicles.
17. In 1947, a black pastor from New York embarked on a journey to Alabama wearing a turban and assuming a fake accent, posing as a foreign dignitary. His disguise granted him access to white-only areas, where he encountered minimal discrimination.
18. A Scottish botanist shattered China's tea monopoly in the 1840s by disguising himself as a Chinese noble "from beyond the Great Wall." Under this guise, he gained entry to tea plantations, where he learned the secrets of tea production.
19. In 1971, Henry Kissinger undertook a covert trip to China, donning a fedora and sunglasses as a disguise. Making a stop in Pakistan first, he feigned illness, claiming to require a few days of rest, which afforded him the opportunity to enter Beijing undetected.
20. Victorian mothers seeking portraits of their children, with exposure times lasting up to half a minute, resorted to disguising themselves as chairs, couches, and curtains to ensure their children remained still during the photography session.
21Treblinka II: Death Camp Facade

The extermination camp Treblinka II was camouflaged as a transit facility for deportations further east. It featured fabricated train schedules, a counterfeit train station clock, fictitious destination names, and even a mock ticket window to maintain the illusion.
22. Renowned female pirates Mary Read and Anne Bonny both used to disguise themselves as men. They discovered each other's true genders when Bonny confessed her attraction to Read. This revelation prompted Read to also reveal herself as female.
23. Richebourg, a Frenchman who stood at a mere 58 cm (1' 11") as an adult, found employment with the aristocracy as a secret agent during the French Revolution. Disguised as an infant and carried by his 'nurse,' he skillfully conveyed messages into and out of Paris.
24. During World War II, British authorities crafted "decoy sneakers" for SOE agents operating in the Pacific theater. The British authorities designed these specialized shoes to disguise the agents' footprints, making them appear as barefoot locals to avoid detection.
25. Despite being told by marathon organizers that women were incapable of completing the race, Roberta Gibbs defied expectations. Disguised in men's clothing, she stealthily positioned herself near the starting line of the 1966 Boston Marathon. As she emerged from the middle of the pack, the runners discovered her disguise and rallied in support. Gibbs made history by becoming the first woman to cross the finish line.