Microbe Magic: 15 Astonishing Facts about Bacteria

11Magnetospirillum magneticum

Magnetospirillum magneticum

Magnetospirillum magneticum is a free-living bacteria which has the ability to actively take in iron, convert it to magnetic magnetite, align it like a backbone along its body, and travel through its environment using magnetic fields.

12Streptomyces hygroscopicus

Streptomyces hygroscopicus

A bacteria named Streptomyces hygroscopicus from Easter Island saves lives by preventing organ rejection and now may help curb Alzheimers.

13Geobacter metallireducens

Geobacter metallireducens

Geobacter metallireducens is a bacterium eats or excretes pure electricity. If you stick an electrode in the ground and pass electrons down it, soon the electrode will be coated with feeding bacteria. Experiments show that these bacteria essentially eat or excrete electricity.



Because of different bacteria living on man/woman's body, man's sweat smells like cheese and woman's smells like onions.



Bacteria can absorb genetic material from dead bacteria and integrate them into their own genome. So if a bacterium eats the corpse of one which has adapted to colder temperatures, it will gain that resistance to cold as well.


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