Inside Apple: 36 Intriguing Insights Into the Tech Behemoth

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26First Macintosh keyboard

First Macintosh keyboard

The first Macintosh keyboard had no arrow keys so that users could only move the cursor with the mouse and to force developers to design UI oriented software specifically for the Mac.

27. Steve Jobs was hired to build the first prototype of "Breakout" for Atari. He enlisted the help of Steve Wozniak promising to give him half of the $750 pay. The pair stayed up four days straight to finish the game and were given a bonus because of this. Jobs kept the entire bonus for himself.

28. Every Apple iPhone advertisement displays the time as 9:41 AM, the time Steve Jobs unveiled it in 2007.

29. Apple iPhone’s Touch ID can tell a between the fingerprint of a living and deceased person, so if you are dead no one would be able to access your iPhone using your touch ID.

30. Apple started working on the iPad in 2002, and the iPhone was actually a spin-off from the iPad development.

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The iPhone manual says that when using your phone, it should be kept 15 millimeters from your body. BlackBerry suggests that users keep the phone 25 millimeters from their body.

32. The symbol chosen for the command key on the Macintosh keyboard (⌘) was borrowed from the Swedish road sign used to indicate a "place of interest."

33. On his deathbed, Steve Jobs refused to wear his oxygen mask because he did not like the design of it.

34. In 1994, engineers at Apple Computer code-named the Power Macintosh 7100 "Carl Sagan" in the hope that Apple would make "billions and billions" with the sale of the PowerMac 7100. When Sagan complained in writing, Apple renamed the project "BHA" (for Butt-Head Astronomer).

35. 90% of "Genuine" Apple iPhone cables on Amazon are fake (via Apple lawsuit).

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Apple's iPhone got its “chirping” sound, which plays when plugged in with a USB cable, from the 2002 movie “Minority Report.”


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