In a study of people who believed they were sensitive to gluten, over 86% weren't.
2. A study showed that children whose parents placed the children’s pacifiers in their own mouths before giving it to the child were less likely to develop allergies like eczema and asthma later in life.
3. People who are depressed can dream 3 times more than the people who are not depressed.
4. Hungry men tend to be more attracted to women with higher body weight than men who have eaten.
5. Scientists have found that people who abstain from alcohol are also more likely to lack social skills, have higher levels of anxiety, and have more mental health issues than those considered heavy drinkers.
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6Blue-eyed people
Blue-eyed people tend to have a higher alcohol tolerance and are therefore more likely to be drunks.
7. According to a study, children that have been exposed to family violence show much of the same brain activity as soldiers that have been in combat.
8. People who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to have bigger appetites due to the fact that their leptin levels (leptin is an appetite-regulating hormone) fall, promoting appetite increase.
9. People who cry more are seen as warmer individuals who are more approachable. At the same time though, these individuals are seen as being less competent or "stupid."
10. People who consume a hallucinogenic drug may experience a mental disorder called hallucinogen persisting perception disorder, in which they continue experiencing the visual hallucinations and distortions from the drug long after it has worn off. Researchers don't know why this occurs.
11Washing hands
A 2-year study showed that washing hands 5 times daily reduced the incidence of respiratory infections by 45%.
12. Studies by researchers have shown that people who consistently sleep in fetal position tend to have a shy and sensitive personality.
13. A 1984 study showed that hospital patients assigned to rooms with windows looking out onto scenes of nature had shorter recovery times, were better behaved, and required fewer painkillers than patients assigned to rooms with windows facing brick walls.
14. A Harvard School of Public Health study found that people who smoke weed tend to have lower levels of insulin, better cholesterol, and smaller waist circumferences than people who don't smoke weed even after adjusting for things like age, race, alcohol or tobacco use, and activity levels.
15. Sweat glands mature during the first 2 years of life. So people who grew up in warm climates have more active sweat glands than people who grew up in a climate-controlled environment or in cold climates.
16Oral contraceptives
For unknown reasons, people who smoke and people who are taking oral contraceptives, are less likely to develop canker sores.
17. A study showed that people who drank 32 ounces of energy drinks in an hour had abnormal electrical activity in their hearts and higher blood pressure four hours later. About 30% of Americans ages 12 through 17 regularly consume energy drinks, linked to increased emergency room visits and death.
18. People who lose the ability to smell become socially insecure, and their overall level of happiness plummets.
19. Research suggests that people who take long naps during the day or sleep 9 or more hours at night may have an increased risk of stroke. Long nappers and long sleepers were 85% more likely to have a stroke. Those with poor sleep quality were 29% more likely to have a stroke.
20. A study conducted by King's College London shows that babies who are fed food containing peanuts are less likely to develop an allergy to peanuts.
Psychopaths tend to have a poor sense of smell.
22. A study shows that people who drink moderate amounts of alcohol have an approximately 20% lower risk of dying from heart disease when compared to those who don't drink.
23. Bald men tend to have lower vitamin-D levels because they avoid the sun after experiencing frequent scalp sunburns.
24. People who are deaf from birth and suffer from hallucinations will, instead of hearing voices, see things such as disembodied lips or hands moving or signing at them.
25. A study showed reading text in a font slightly more difficult to read (ex: Comic Sans) found students remembered more than reading in easier fonts (ex: Arial).