Approximately 7000 years ago, humans used to drill holes in their heads to allow spirits to flow in and out of the body. This practice is called 'Trepanation.'
27. Making a purple pigment used to dye clothes for royalty in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome involved harvesting the pigment from rotting snails. The stench was so bad that Jewish law specifically granted women the right to divorce any husband who became a dyer after marrying.
28. To clean up after using the lavatory, ancient Romans used a “tersorium”, a sponge on the end of a long stick that was shared by everyone in the community. When not in use, the stick stayed in a bucket of vinegar or seawater in the communal bathroom.
29. Between the 4th and 5th centuries, ancient Athens adopted Ostracism, a (check and balance) system that allowed the citizens to vote to exile and banish anyone deemed a threat or tyrant for 10 years. The ostracism was only considered valid if the total number of votes counted to at least 6000.
30. In medieval times, red hair was associated with moral degradation and intense sexual desire. Redheads were regarded as vampires, werewolves, and witches. The Spanish Inquisition singled them out for persecution, believing their hair to be a sure sign that they stole the fires of hell.
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31Roman Toilets
Toilets in ancient Rome were bad enough to warrant prayers to the Gods of fortune written on the walls. Problems included bursts of flame from the methane buildup, and biting creatures emerging from below.
32. In the Victorian era, it was a thing to send “Vinegar” or Hate valentines anonymously to people you disliked. They were often incredibly harsh, and some even suggested the recipient go kill themselves.
33. Tuberculosis was so romanticized during the Victorian era that fashion trends emerged to highlight and emulate the symptoms of the disease. This fashion movement is referred to as “Consumptive Chic”.
34. It was common for 19th-century Victorian men to fashion clippings of their lover's pubic hair into jewelry and wear them as hat ornaments or souvenirs.
35. In Ancient Rome some condemned prisoners were executed onstage at the theater as “actors” for famous death scenes.