1Nuuk prison facility

At a prison facility in Nuuk, Greenland some inmates reportedly hold the keys to their own cells (to afford them privacy), and others may leave the premises during the day to go to work or school. Perhaps surprisingly, inmates are even allowed to go hunting with rifles to shoot birds and seals.
2Camp Century

Camp Century was a top-secret US military base built under the ice sheets of Greenland in 1960 to house missiles. Built under the cover of climate research, it housed 200 people and was powered by the world's first portable nuclear reactor. Denmark didn’t uncover the base’s existence until 1995.
3Northeast Greenland National Park

Northeast Greenland National Park is bigger than Pakistan, Venezuela, or France, and only 30 countries are bigger. There are abundant polar bears, hares, foxes, caribou, and walruses, as well as almost half the world’s population of musk oxen, about 15,000 head.
4Blok P

A building called Blok P once housed 1% of Greenland's population. It was advertised to tourists as "so depressing that it's almost an attraction in itself."
5European Union

In 1982, the people of Greenland voted to leave the European Union which they did in 1985 and are still today not part of it.

Greenland, Ireland, New Zealand, and Iceland have one thing in common. None of them have a snake population.
71942 Greenland winter

In the winter of 1942 in Greenland, a plane crash-landed due to bad weather. In subsequent rescue efforts, 6 planes crashed, and survivors of the crashes spent up to 5.5 months taking shelter on a glacier waiting for help.
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When all the ice on Greenland melts, the local sea level will actually drop because of the reduction in local gravity that was originally created by the sheer mass of the ice.
9Qinngua Valley

The Qinngua Valley (Paradise Valley) in Greenland may have the mildest climate on the island. It is home to the island’s only true forest and over 300 species of plants. It also has an abandoned Viking farm that may be Brattahlid, an estate founded by Eric the Red whose son Leif Erikson set foot on North America approximately half a millennium before Christopher Columbus.

There is an Inuit tribe in Greenland who pack up to 500 birds in a hollowed-out seal body, bury it, let them ferment for seven months, and then eat (Kiviak) them during the harsh winters.