26U.S. Patent No. 1
There is a board game called U.S. Patent No. 1 whose goal is to invent a time machine, go back to 1790, and receive the first U.S. Patent for your invention.
27. In 1950, Nobel Prize winner John Nash co-invented a board game called So Long Sucker. Before it was published he wanted to call it “F**k You Buddy.” During play, players make agreements with the other players which are ultimately unenforceable. To win, players must eventually go back on such agreements.
28. There was a board game named "Ghettopoly" where instead of railroad properties, there were liquor stores.
29. The Ouija board was originally intended to be a fortune-telling game, similar to the Magic Eight Ball. They were even advertised as fun date activities.
30. In Nazi Germany, there was a board game called "Juden Raus!" in which the object was to strip Jews of their property and push them off the board.
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According to the instructions for the board game Mousetrap, you are not supposed to set up entire trap when starting a game. Instead, players add a new part every time they land on the “Build” space on the game board.
32. There is a board game version of Stephen King’s “The Shining.” In the game, one player is the Overlook Hotel and the other is the Torrence family, with each player trying to best the other.
33. There is a board game called "Equate" that is like Scrabble except players use numbers and math symbols instead of letters.
34. Taikyoku Shogi is an old chess-like board game played on a 1296-square board with 402 pieces per side, with each side owning pieces like the Drunk Elephant, Strutting Crow, Enchanted Badger, Playful Cockatoo, Free Pig, and Violent Wind.
35. The German born board game, The Settlers of Catan, sold out its first 5,000 copies so fast that the creator, Klaus Teuber, did not receive a first edition. He did receive the satisfaction, however, of knowing that his game could possibly be the biggest board game since Risk.