Frozen Fantasies: 30 Amazing Facts About Ice Creams

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26Rocky Road

Rocky Road

William Dreyer named his ice cream creation "Rocky Road" due to hardships caused by The Great Depression.

27. During operation PLUTO, the Allied forces laid pipe allowing them to pump a million gallons of fuel per day under the English Channel to France. The pump houses were disguised as cottages and even an ice cream shop.

28. A Venezuelan ice cream shop named Heladería Coromoto holds the record for most flavors. They have smoked trout, mushrooms in wine, hot dog and pork rind are some of the flavors they serve out of 860 flavors they own.

29. The popular ice cream flavor "Tutti Frutti" got its name because it literally means "All Fruits" in Italian.

30. Spaghettieis is a German ice cream which looks like spaghetti.


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