1Mojave Desert
In the Mojave Desert, a solar plant generates so much heat it incinerates birds in mid-flight.
2Wadi Al-Hitan
Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) which is located in the Western Desert in Egypt contains the fossilized remains of whales that show their evolution from life as a land-based animal to becoming an ocean-going mammal.
3Atacama Desert
At its center, a place climatologists call absolute desert, the Atacama is known as the driest place on Earth. There are sterile, intimidating stretches where rain has never been recorded, at least as long as humans have measured it
4Desert of Maine
The “Desert of Maine” is a 40-acre tract of sand dunes caused by soil erosion from poor farming techniques. The area resembles a desert and has become a tourist attraction.
5Non-Polar Desert
The Atacama Desert in Chile is the driest non-polar desert in the world. A team of researchers in 2003 published a report where they replicated the tests used by the Viking Mars Landers to detect life on the soil of the Atacama Desert. They were unable to detect any signs of life in the soil.
6Dead Sea Scrolls
The Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in caves in the Judaean Desert from 1945-1956 in 11 caves contain 981 different manuscripts having great historical and religious significance as they include the 2nd oldest manuscripts included in the Hebrew Bible along with extra-biblical manuscripts.
7Giant Eye
A 30-mile giant eye in the Sahara Desert once served as a geographical landmark for astronauts.
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8Desert Drowning
More people die in the desert due to drowning than due to the heat. This is because people do not prepare for flash floods, which can be very extreme in the desert.
9Secret Swimming Pool
In 2014, a swimming pool was built in the middle of the Mojave Desert, as an art installation, the location to which was not released to public. Users had to get the keys to the pool from MAK center in West Hollywood, who would provide the GPS coordinates to the pool.
10Gurbantünggüt Desert
The furthest point anyone can be from any sea on Earth is the Gurbantünggüt Desert in China which is over 1600 miles from the nearest coastline.