Discover Egypt: 23 Intriguing Facts You Didn’t Know



Cyril of Alexandria claimed that "camel" is a Greek misspelling in the phrase "it's easier for a camel to thread the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven." He claimed camel was actually "kamilos," meaning rope.

2Great Pyramid of Giza

Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza was once covered in highly polished white limestone before it was removed to build mosques and fortresses.

3Egyptian pharaohs

Egyptian pharaohs

Egyptian pharaohs were often fat. They had high-sugar diets that were rich in bread, honey, beer, and wine. Examinations of various royal mummies show that many suffered from obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Hatshepsut, Egypt's most famous woman pharaoh, was obese and had tooth decay.

4Egyptian men

Egyptian men

In ancient Egypt, men could take time off of work to care for menstruating wives and daughters.

5Wadi Al-Hitan

Wadi Al-Hitan

Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley)- located in the western desert in Egypt contains the fossilized remains of whales that show their evolution from life as a land-based animal to becoming an ocean-going mammal.

6Egyptian couples

Egyptian couples

In ancient Egypt, couples were considered married whenever they moved in together. Wedding ceremonies were reserved for the upper classes.



In Ancient Egypt, dwarfs were seen as people who had celestial gifts, were treated with the greatest respect and enjoyed the highest social positions.

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There is evidence to support that Ancient Egypt had proctologists and their term for the position literally translates to "shepherd of the anus."

9Egyptian military

Egyptian military

Egypt has compulsory military service for males, but only if they have a brother. If they have no siblings or only a sister, they are exempt.

10Pharaoh Pepi II

Pharaoh Pepi II

In Ancient Egypt, Pharaoh Pepi II despised flies so much that he would keep naked slaves smeared with honey near him in order to keep flies away.


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