1Chocolate chip cookies

The inventor of chocolate chip cookies sold the idea to Nestle in return for a lifetime supply of chocolate.
2. Kit Kats became so popular in Japan because of a literal translation of "kitto katsu", which means "Surely win" which led to the implication of the bar giving good luck (making it a popular snack, especially before exams).
3. There are over 200 flavors of Kit-Kat in Japan.
4. Red Sour Patch Kids are the exact same candy as Swedish fish, just with the sour sugar.
5. Wendy's Frosty is actually a mixture of chocolate and vanilla flavors. This was because Dave Thomas thought that 100% chocolate would be too overpowering a flavor when paired with a Wendy's burger and fries meal.
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6Milk Duds

Milk Duds were originally supposed to be perfectly round. Since making them perfectly round was found to be impossible, the pieces became known as "duds", and the name stuck.
7. Canadians make a candy called tire d'érable by pouring maple syrup on snow and then rolling it onto sticks.
8. The Candy Desk is a tradition of the US Senate since 1968, whereby a senator who sits at a desk near a busy entrance keeps a drawer full of candy for members of the body. The desk is currently supplied with candy made in Pennsylvania, including Milky Way bars, Mars bars, and jellybeans.
9. For several years, "Jeopardy!" host Alex Trebek's "breakfast of champions" consisted of a Snickers and a Diet Pepsi. After his nutritionist reprimanded his routine, he switched his meals accordingly. He replaced them with Milky Way bars and Diet Cokes.
10. 25% of all Toblerone chocolate is sold at duty-free airport shops.
11Hershey's bars

In 24 states, you will pay sales tax on Hershey's bars but not on Twix. This is because those states define candy as flour-free in their sales tax code and Twix contains flour, making it a grocery item.
12. Pop Rocks candy is made by exposing melted candy syrup to ~600psi of CO2, then allowing it to cool, thereby trapping highly pressurized micro-bubbles of gas in the candy.
13. The Mystery Flavor of Dum Dums lollipops is a mixture of two flavors that come together when the end of one batch of candy meets the beginning of the next batch. Thus, the Mystery Flavor continually changes.
14. During World War 2, the Japanese would hand out candy to starving Chinese children. The candy was laced with anthrax.
15. There was an appetite suppressant candy called AYDS (pronounced AIDS) in the 80’s with the slogan ‘Lose weight deliciously with the aid of AYDS’
16Berlin Airlift

During the Berlin Airlift, one of the pilots gave some candy to some children in Berlin. After seeing how much they enjoyed it, he began dropping candy from his airplane before landing. Other pilots soon joined in and over 23 tons of candy would be dropped over Berlin.
17. "Cotton Candy" is called "Fairy Floss" in Australia, "Grandma's Hair" in Hebrew, "Father's Beard" in French, "Ghost's Breath" in Afrikaans, "Doll's Wig" in India and "Girl's Hair" in Arabic.
18. The "chocolayer" between Kit Kat wafers is crushed up Kit Kat bars.
19. Kit-Kat made an edible 24-karat gold leaf–enrobed Kit Kat bar flavored with rare Feng Huang Dan Cong Oolong tea and sold it wrapped in silk for $88.
20. The Mars candy bar is sold worldwide except in the USA.

In the US, in order to be legally called "chocolate", a product must contain cocoa butter. Phrases like "chocolatey" and "chocolate flavored" are used for products that do not contain cocoa butter, but instead use other vegetable oils. These have a different taste than "real chocolate".
22. An average German eats 114 chocolate bars a year, whereas an average American eats 51.
23. Candy Canes was initially created to get kids to shut-up in Church.
24. M&Ms were invented in 1941 as a means for soldiers to enjoy chocolate without it melting. During the war, the candy was sold exclusively to the military.
25. During World War 2, Tootsie Rolls was added to soldiers' rations thanks to their durability in all weather conditions.