1Harvey Glatman

Serial killer Harvey Glatman used to present himself as a photographer for pulp fiction magazines to find his victims and take photos of them tied before they even knew they were kidnapped.
2Bruce McArthur

Bruce McArthur, Toronto's most notorious (and oldest, at 66 years old) serial killer operated as a landscaper during the summer, and a mall Santa Claus during the winter. He eventually pled guilty to 8 counts of the homicide of gay men in the Toronto area.
3Archibald Hall

A butler named Archibald Hall was a Scottish serial killer and thief who was active in the 1970s. While working for the British aristocracy, he stole from and killed several of his employers and fellow house staff.
4Eric Cooke

An Australian serial killer named Eric Cooke was captured by police after he hid a murder weapon in a nearby bush. Police found the weapon and returned it to the same bush tied to the fishing line. Police then constructed a hide and waited 17 days until Cooke retrieved the rifle.
5Zhang Yongming

Chinese serial killer Zhang Yongming a.k.a ‘Cannibal Monster’ killed his 11 victims by butchering them. He then sold their flesh in the markets calling it “Ostrich meat.” He was executed in 2013.
6John Bodkin Adams

John Bodkin Adams was a British General Practitioner, convicted fraudster, and suspected serial killer. Between 1946 and 1956 over 160 of his patients died in suspicious circumstances and of these, 132 left him either items or money in their will.
7Gilbert Paul Jordan

Canadian serial killer Gilbert Paul Jordan a.k.a. ‘The Boozing Barber’ killed 8-10 aboriginal women by forcing them to drink lethal quantities of alcohol. One of his victims, Patricia Andrew, had a blood-alcohol level of 0.79. Jordan also drank at least 50 ounces of vodka each day.
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8The Beer Man

‘The Beer Man’ was a suspected serial killer who murdered 6 people in southern Mumbai in India between October 2006 and January 2007. This nickname gained prominence due to beer bottles left beside each body, which was the only link between the deaths.
9Peter Kürten

While sexual sadist and serial killer Peter Kürten was being led to the guillotine, he said to a priest, “Tell me... after my head is chopped off, will I still be able to hear, at least for a moment, the sound of my own blood gushing from the stump of my neck? That would be the pleasure to end all pleasures.”
10Adolfo Constanzo

Adolfo Constanzo was a drug dealer and serial killer. He was nicknamed “dark wizard.” An ally of Mexican cartels, Constanzo used the organs of his victims as ingredients for his spells and rituals, eventually becoming the leader of his own gang/cult known as The Narcosatanists.