Comedy Legends: 17 Little-Known Facts About SNL

1Richard Pryor

Richard Pryor

When Richard Pryor hosted SNL in 1975, the NBC ordered the show to run on a 5-second delay due to Pryor being too controversial. Engineers later said they didn't do this because nobody knew how to do it.

2Miskel Spillman

Miskel Spillman

In 1977, Saturday Night Live had an "Anyone Can Host" contest and the winner was an 80-year old woman named Miskel Spillman.

3Larry The Lobster

Larry The Lobster

In a 1982 Saturday Night Live routine, Eddie Murphy had the audience call in to decide if 'Larry The Lobster' would live or be boiled on live TV.

4Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton

When Paris Hilton was hosting SNL, cast members took bets as to whether or not she would ask anyone a personal question. Seth Meyers said yes and won when she asked if Maya Rudolph was an Italian.

5Bill Hader

Bill Hader

Bill Hader often breaks into laughter while performing "Stefon" because SNL writer John Mulaney will change lines on him, leaving Hader to read the outlandish jokes for the first time on-air.

6Chris Farley

Chris Farley

Chris Farley was fired from SNL for making late-night prank phone calls from the SNL offices with Adam Sandler, and mooning people from a limo shortly after.

7Kenan Thompson

Kenan Thompson

Not only is Kenan Thompson SNL's longest-tenured cast member, but he is also the 1st one born after the show premiered in 1975.

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8Frank Zappa

Frank Zappa

When Frank Zappa hosted SNL in 1978, he was unpopular with most of the cast because of his anti-drug stance. During the live performance, he would regularly mug for the camera and point out that he was reading from cue cards.

9The Office

The Office

In 2008, Saturday Night Live did a Japanese parody of 'The Office' with Ricky Gervais and Steve Carell.

10Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy

When Eddie Murphy was on SNL in the early 80s, other cast members often had to go downstairs after shows to catch a cab for him because no cab drivers would stop for a young black man late at night.


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