1McDonald's breakfast
The reason why breakfast isn't served all day at McDonald's is mainly because the grill temperature required to cook beef patties is significantly different from the temperature at which eggs are cooked.
2Free whopper
In 2009, Burger King launched a campaign that if you unfriended 10 friends on Facebook, you were entitled to a free whopper. The ex-friend would then receive a message explaining that their friendship was less valuable than a whopper.
3McDonald's burger
McDonald's burger doesn't rot and it’s not because there are any mysterious chemicals in it, but because low moisture and dehydration basically turn it into a jerky.
4Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali, being refused a hamburger and told, "We don't serve negroes", replied, "That's OK. I don't eat 'em."
5Big Mac
The Economist has an indicator of the purchasing power of a country measured in how many Big Macs could be bought in that country with $50 USD - The Big Mac Index.
6Microsoft whopper
In 2009, Microsoft promoted Windows 7 in Japan by partnering with Burger King to release a 7 patty Whopper.
7Kim Jong Il
In 2000, the former dictator of North Korea Kim Jong Il said that he created the "Hamburger."
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8Commercial burgers
The reason that burgers look so good in commercials is because they are undercooked.
9Liberty sandwiches
During World War 1, the United States Government tried to rename hamburgers as "liberty sandwiches" to promote patriotism.
10Cheeseburger pizza
Pizza Hut in the Middle East sells a cheeseburger crust pizza.