26Tea plant
Black tea, green tea, white tea, and oolong tea all come from the same tea plant. The leaves are simply aged and processed differently.
27. There is a plant called "Electric Daisy" whose leaves will make you salivate uncontrollably.
28. Coffee plants lace their nectar with small doses of caffeine, so when insects feed on caffeine-spiked nectar, they become much more likely to remember the scent of the flower and pollinate it further.
29. There is a plant called the Skeleton Flower whose petals turn transparent when wet and then revert back to white when dry.
30. Buttercups are poisonous. The unassuming flowers, if eaten raw, can cause severe blistering in the mouth and intestines as well as bloody diarrhea.
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31Azalea Bush
Azalea Bush is incredibly toxic and creates poisonous honey. To send a bouquet of Azalea (and Rhododendron, also poisonous) flowers in a black vase was a well-known death threat.
32. The Alula flower is almost extinct because the Hawk Moth, its only pollinator has disappeared. The few remaining wild plants are being hand pollinated by botanists by hanging on cliff sides.
33. The Giant Hogweed is a phototoxic, noxious weed that can cause 2nd-degree burns, blisters, scarring and sometimes blindness.