1Le Grand Témoin

Olympic Rule 23 states the Games have two official languages: French and English. Since 2004, the Francophonie organization has appointed a person known as ‘Le Grand Témoin,’ a.k.a. the Great Witness, whose job is to keep track of and promote French usage during the Games.
2. In the 1950s, the US planned to deploy intensely trained 'Green Light Teams.' These were individuals whose job was to stealthily lug 58lb nuclear bombs on their back to specific targets behind enemy lines. While they would make every attempt to retreat, these missions were considered suicidal.
3. The Apollo Theater in Harlem has a guy called 'The Executioner,' whose job is to interrupt bad performers and shoo them offstage.
4. The sole job of a "teaser stallion" is to tell if a mare is ready for mating. He never gets to do the actual mating that the valuable stallion does. Kind owners sometimes give him a "consolation mare" to mate with so that he doesn't get sexually frustrated with his job.
5. In the middle ages, there were men called ‘Bear-Leaders’ whose job was to lead bears from village to village. These animals were primarily used in a blood sport known as bear-baiting. It was a form of entertainment which involved setting dogs to attack a captive bear.
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15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History
650 Cent Party

The Chinese Communist Party employs an army of commentators whose job is to win arguments with people on the internet and manipulate public opinion and disseminate disinformation to benefit CCP. Though it has been nicknamed the ‘50 Cent Army,’ there is little evidence that they are paid anything for their posts. Instead they are required to do so as part of their official party duties.
7. In El Salvador there are "forensic vagina investigators" whose job is to determine whether a woman got an illegal abortion as abortion in El Salvador is illegal.
8. The Roman Catholic Church used to hire castrati. These were young boy vocalists who were castrated to prevent puberty and allowing them to sing soprano, mezzo-soprano, or contralto well into their 40s. The practice started in the mid-1500s, reached its height in 1730, and ended in 1903. The last castrati died in 1922.
9. 'Professional Mourners' are performers who are paid to lament the dead and 'entertain' grieving families. This occupation began in Chinese, Egyptian, and Mediterranean cultures, and is still practiced in China. The UK even has a program called 'Rent a Mourner' for hiring actors as 'extras' at funerals.
10. The royal English court of King Henry II had Professional Farters who were rewarded with houses and land in exchange for entertaining the kind. Roland the Farter was one of the most famous farters of the 12th century and he was given a manor and 30 acres of land for his services. Another famous 19th century French flatulist was Joseph Pujol, who could shoot water up to 5 feet.
11Professional Applauders

In the 1830s, Paris Opera used to employ Professional Applauders a.k.a. claque, who worked with opera directors to put on a good show. By engineering a ruckus among themselves, the claque was able to allow a singer to surreptitiously take a breath during a high note hold, giving the illusion of a super long note.
12. A former mud wrestler named Lisette St.Claire was the world’s first laugher wrangler in the television industry. Some of the current ‘Professional Laughers’ are so good at guffawing that they're secretly planted in audiences to get others snickering, cackling, or howling. In 2012, laughers got $75 for a day's work.
13. Professional "fired men" are used in some department stores as scapegoats who are fired several times a day to please customers who were disgruntled about some error.
14. Netflix employs a team of "taggers" who are paid to watch Netflix and tag the content.
15. There exists a "Department of Veterans Affairs emblems for headstones and markers," whose job it is to come up with headstone emblems for every imaginable religious deviation.
16Mafeking Cadet Corps

The first scouts were a group of child soldiers who were used during the Second Boer War. They were entrusted with the job of carrying messages between fortresses in the war with their commanding officer being 13 year-old Sergeant-Major named Warner Goodyear.
17. On the streets of many major cities of India, especially Mumbai, you can easily find professional ear cleaners. They charge 20 rupees, or about 30 cents, for a standard cleaning of both ears with cotton dipped in hydrogen peroxide and a pair of tweezers.
18. Pet food tasters serve as professional quality control for pet food. They make up to $120,000 per year.
19. Up until 1991 there was a dedicated position in the British Armed Forces called 'The Keeper of the Apes.' Their job was solely to care for the monkeys of Gibraltar. The military even had a budget for ape-related expenses. Any sick or injured monkey was cared for in British hospitals.
20. Buckingham Palace employs someone whose sole job is to wind and maintain its 1,000 clocks. As of 2013, the pay for a Royal Clock Winder started at more than $50,000 per year.
21Sleep Concierge

New York’s Benjamin Hotel employs sleep concierge whose sole job is to make sure its guests get a perfect night of sleep.
22. A workforce of around 5,000 men in Mumbai, known just as “Dabbawalas”, deliver with the help of an efficient railway system, 200,000 tiffin boxes daily to office workers. Established in 1890, the color-coded system they use was originally designed for use by the illiterate and leads to hardly any mistakes.
23. Car makers employ sound engineers to give car doors that satisfying 'thunk' when closed.
24. There is an industrial freezer at England’s Sellafield nuclear power plant which is packed with an expanding mountain of radioactive seagulls that were shot by snipers employed by the plant.
25. Ice cream testers use gold spoons to be able to taste the product 100% without a slight percentage of 'after-taste' from typical spoons.