Biological Brilliance: 32 Jaw Dropping Facts About the Human Body – Part 5

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1Fattiest Organ

Fattiest Organ

The fattiest organ in the human body is the brain, which is approximately 60% fat.

2. While the human body contains only 250g of ATP at any one time, more is created and used continuously such that we go through more than our weight's worth of it each day.

3. About 65% of the human body mass is from oxygen, followed by carbon contributing 18.5% and hydrogen at 9.5%.

4. On average, every adult human body contains 2 to 6 lbs of bacteria.

5. In adult human bodies, fat is stored in yellowish deposits due to coloration from beta carotene and other nutrients. Infants, who have not yet accumulated these substances, have fat that is closer to white.

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6Strongest Muscle

Strongest Muscle

The strongest muscle in the human body is the masseter, our jaw muscle. It can bite with the force of 200 lbs from the molars. To put that into perspective, a hyena's bite force is 1100 lbs, a Silverback's bite is 1300 lbs and a saltwater crocodile's bite is 3700 lbs.

7. The human body may be incapable of living beyond 120 years due to genetic coding which may limit the number of times our cells can divide.

8. There are cells in the human body called Faggot cells that cause leukemia.

9. The human body has a vitamin B12 storage for 3-5 years, the highest long-range storage of every nutrition we need.

10. The average human body temperature has been dropping by 1/20 of a degree Fahrenheit per decade, since being established as 98.6 in 1851. The reason behind this is improved health and thus reduced population-level inflammation. Heat is a symptom of inflammation.

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11Bile Breakdown

Bile Breakdown

Bile breaks down in the human body into stercobilin (makes poop brown) and urobilin (makes pee yellow).

12. The human body contains energy equal to that of roughly 1.86 million kilotons of TNT.

13. There is a protein in the human body named after Pikachu. Pikachurin transmits electrical impulses from the eyes to the brain.

14. The average human body contains about 0.017 grams of radioactive potassium-40 which decays at the rate of 4,400 or so nuclear disintegrations per second. The products of this decay are mostly calcium with about 10% argon.

15. Soleus, the human calf muscle, acts as a second heart, pumping blood upwards from the periphery of the body.

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16Blood Vessels

Blood Vessels

The average human body has 60,000 miles of blood vessels.

17. Nerve impulses travel through the human body at speeds of up to 250mph, faster than a Formula 1 racing car. The fastest transmissions use a lot of energy, so are reserved for neurons that need to send urgent information, like to tell your brain you are burning your fingers.

18. The Human body contains trace amounts of Gold, approximately 0.2 milligrams on average.

19. There are a number of other vestigial traits in the human body other than the appendix, like muscles in our ears, wisdom teeth, tonsils, a stump of a third eyelid, and our coccyx (former tail).

20. The human body doesn't have a specific physiologic method for reducing iron levels. The only way to reduce body iron is to remove cells (such as bleeding).

21Baby Eyes

Baby Eyes

At birth, a baby's eyes aren't developed enough to perceive color or depth. It usually takes about 6 months for their vision to reach adult levels.

22. Humans hear anywhere from 20 to 100 times faster than they can see. Therefore everything we perceive with our ears is coloring every other perception we have, and every conscious thought we have. The sound gets in so fast that it modifies all the other input and sets the stage for it.

23. Humans have eyebrows to keep our eyes clean, and clear from rain, sweat, and light.

24. One possible reason behind hiccups all day is when hair or something else in your ear touches your eardrum.

25. Wisdom teeth are virtually nonexistent in indigenous Mexicans.


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