Behind the Screams: 45 Little-Known Facts About Scary Movies

21Rosemary's Baby

Rosemary's Baby

Mia Farrow's acceptance of the role of Rosemary in "Rosemary's Baby" angered Frank Sinatra (her new husband) so much that he served her divorce papers in front of the film's entire cast and crew.

221408 movie

1408 movie

In the movie 1408, when the clock counts down from 60:00 the movie does indeed end in 60 minutes.

2328 Days Later

28 Days Later

For the filming of 28 Days Later, rather than film in a studio or use CGI, shots of abandoned streets of London were filmed just after dawn on location.



The 1981 Italian horror film ‘Nightmare’ was so controversial in the UK that the distributor received an 18-month prison sentence for refusing to edit 1 second of violence. The film had already been cut by over 3 minutes.

25Paranormal Activity

Paranormal Activity

The movie Paranormal Activity only cost $15,000 to produce and made $193.4 million at the box office.



In the movie Poltergeist, they used real skeletons. When asked why it was a simple answer, "they were cheaper than the plastic ones."

27Event Horizon

Event Horizon

Deleted scenes from 1997's "Event Horizon" were considered lost forever until some reels were found in a salt mine in Transylvania in bad condition.

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28A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place

The sound editors of "A Quiet Place" devised the idea of "sound envelopes" to let you hear what each character hears and how they hear it.

29Horror movies

Horror movies

Watching horror movies can burn up to two hundred calories, the same as a half hour walk.

30Pet Sematary

Pet Sematary

The death of the son's character in Stephen King's Pet Sematary was inspired by the author's own real-life experience. He was able to save his son from a truck on the busy highway near their home but incorporated what could have happened in the book.

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