1De Niro's Menacing Teeth

Robert De Niro paid a dentist $5,000 to grind down his teeth for a more menacing look in Cape Fear. He later spent $20,000 to have his teeth restored after production was complete.
2. According to actor Liam Hemsworth, Jennifer Lawrence deliberately consumed garlic or tuna fish before their kissing scenes in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. This added an interesting element to their performances.
3. Real doctors from USC Medical Center were enlisted to play doctors attempting to save E.T. Spielberg believed that having actual medical professionals discuss technical matters would appear more authentic than actors.
4. The crew did not script the famous scene in "Apocalypse Now," where Martin Sheen's character has a drunken breakdown in a hotel room. Sheen, in a state of inebriation, insisted the crew film him, displaying aggressive behavior and punching mirrors. Director Francis Ford Coppola continued filming.
5. Anne Ramsey, renowned for her role in Throw Mama From The Train (1987), spoke with a slurred voice due to throat cancer surgeries. Despite enduring pain during production, she earned an Oscar nomination but sadly passed away from throat cancer six months after the ceremony.
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6Marsters' Dragon Ball Redemption

Actor James Marsters accepted the role of Zamasu in the Dragon Ball Super anime without pay, seeking redemption with fans after his involvement in the critically disastrous Dragonball Evolution (2009) as Piccolo.
7. John Candy received a modest payment of $414 for his cameo in Home Alone, a lower fee than the pizza delivery guy. He did it as a favor to the director and showcased his improvisational skills by crafting all his dialogue on the spot.
8. The conclusion of "The Bourne Supremacy" underwent reshoots merely two weeks before its release. Director Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon conceived a new idea costing $200,000, even requiring Damon to be pulled from the set of Ocean's 12. The movie saw a significant improvement, testing 10 points higher with the new ending and ultimately grossing $176 million.
9. Facing budget constraints during the production of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, director Doug Liman delved into his personal savings. He constructed a set in his mother's Upstate New York garage, only to blow it up with a hand grenade.
10. The iconic cut-off sweatshirt look in the 1983 film Flashdance was an accidental creation. Jennifer Beals, the actress, unintentionally shrank her favorite sweatshirt in the dryer. To make it fit, she cut out the neck hole and wore it to a wardrobe fitting. The director's loved it.
11Fitzcarraldo's Epic Challenges

For the 1982 film Fitzcarraldo, director Werner Herzog had the cast drag a 320-ton steamship over a steep hill to depict real-life events. Under the threat of death, Carlos Fitzcarrald compelled indigenous workers to transport a 30-ton ship over a mountain to reach another river in 1894.
12. Marjorie Eaton initially portrayed Palpatine as a stand-in in the original Star Wars trilogy, Episode V, wearing heavy makeup. During post-production, the filmmakers superimposed chimpanzee eyes into her darkened eye sockets, and musical stage actor Clive Revill provided the character's voice.
13. The production of The Sound of Music encountered resistance from Salzburg city leaders, who objected to scenes featuring swastika banners. Director Robert Wise resolved the issue by threatening to incorporate old newsreel footage featuring the banners instead.
14. Daniel Day-Lewis prepared for his role as "Bill the Butcher" in Gangs of New York (2002) by engaging in method acting and frequently instigating fights with strangers on the streets of Rome, where the movie was filmed. Day-Lewis later admitted that this approach was "not so good for my physical or mental health."
15. Burt Ward, while shooting Batman, performed many of his own stunts because his stuntman bore no resemblance to him. Ward ended up in the hospital for four consecutive days during the pilot shoot.
16Dastmalchian's Polka-Dot Surprise

When director James Gunn cast David Dastmalchian as supervillain Polka-Dot Man for "The Suicide Squad," he was unaware that the actor had vitiligo. The skin condition gave Dastmalchian polka dots on his skin, and as a child, he endured mockery from others who referred to him as "polka dots" and "Dalmatian."
17. Linda Blair suffered a fractured spine while filming The Exorcist (1973), resulting in later scoliosis. While rigged to a mechanical bed that shook violently, Linda Blair broke her back, and the filmmakers captured and used her genuine screams of pain in the final film.
18. During the filming of the James Bond film Goldfinger (1964), Harold Sakata, who portrayed Oddjob, sustained a severe burn on his hand during the electrocution scene. Despite the injury, Sakata persevered until the director called for a cut.
19. The director of The French Connection bribed an official at the New York Transit Authority with $40,000. The official then overlooked regulations and allowed the famous chase sequence to be filmed.
20. The desert scenes in the movie Ishtar were shot in the actual Sahara Desert instead of the Southwestern U.S. Columbia's parent company, Coca-Cola, influenced this decision due to their funds in Morocco that couldn't be repatriated.
21Moonraker's 88 Skydiving Jumps

Filming the scene of James Bond jumping from an airplane without a parachute in Moonraker (1979) required 88 skydiving jumps, capturing just 3 seconds of action in each jump.
22. While filming the mall scene of The Blues Brothers, actor John Belushi wandered off the set and into a nearby neighborhood. A local resident welcomed Belushi into their home, provided him with food, and allowed him to take a nap on their couch.
23. Producer Debra Hill stored the same Michael Myers mask used in the first film under her bed for three years, resulting in its different appearance in "Halloween II" (1981). Additionally, the new Michael Myers actor had a stockier build compared to the original.
24. During the filming of The Shining, Stanley Kubrick made Jack Nicholson eat cheese sandwiches, a food he despised, to help him get into character.
25. Just nine days before the start of the Jaws production, the roles of Quint and Hooper had not yet been filled. Initially, two other actors declined the offer to play the role of Quint. Robert Shaw, initially hesitant due to his dislike of the book, accepted the role at his wife's encouragement.