The movie Clue in 1985 had 3 endings that were randomly distributed to theaters. People argued about the actual ending because they had seen different ones.
27. The directors of Airplane! auditioned numerous voice actors for the opening red zone/white zone scene, disliking all of them. They ended up tracking down the married couple who originally recorded the announcements that were used at LAX in 1980. Their voices are in the finished film.
28. During the filming of Blade: Trinity, Wesley Snipes smoked weed all day long. After calling the director a racist and trying to strangle him, he would only communicate with the director through post-it notes signing them, "From Blade"
29. To get Gene Hackman to shave off his mustache for the role of Lex Luthor in 'Superman', director Richard Donner promised to shave off his own mustache. After Gene had his removed, Donner revealed his was a fake one from the makeup department.
30. The 1995 film Judge Dredd was re-cut and sent to the MPAA 5 times to get it from an NC-17 to an R rating. Stallone then tried to cut it even more for a PG-13 rating. The director had made the film dark and satirical like the source material and Stallone thought the film was supposed to be an action-comedy.
Latest FactRepublic Video:
15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History
31Top Gun
During a film sequence of Top Gun, an aircraft carrier captain changed the ship's course and altered the lighting of a shot. Director Tony Scott was told it would cost $25,000 to change its course. He quickly wrote a check, the course was reverted,and got 5 more minutes to get his shot.
32. When studio executives refused to release Brazil, Terry Gilliam took out a full-page ad in Variety, urging them to release it. He also conducted private screenings without their knowledge. They only released it after Brazil was awarded “Best Picture” by the LA Critics association.
33. Fox Studio passed on the 'Watchmen' movie because they thought the script was "one of the most unintelligible pieces of sh*t they had read in years"
34. In Avengers (2012) & Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Marvel couldn't get the Hulk's roar to sound just right; so they decided to supplement it with recordings of good ol Lou Ferrigno bellowing as the original Hulk.