Behind the Cells: 25 Eye-Opening Prison Facts

11Tent City

Tent City

'Tent City' was an Arizona jail built out of old military tents, operational since 1993 and was shut down in 2017.

12Black Dolphin

Black Dolphin

Inmates at the 300-year-old Russian prison called Black Dolphin are not allowed to sit down in their cells for the whole day and are blindfolded when transported. It only houses criminals serving life sentences.

13Louisiana State Penitentiary

Louisiana State Penitentiary

In the Louisiana State Penitentiary, conditions got so bad in the 1950s that 31 inmates sliced their Achilles tendons to bring attention to their poor treatment but nothing was done about it.

14Auburn Correctional Facility statue

Auburn Correctional Facility statue

Auburn Correctional Facility in Upstate New York has the statue of a soldier Copper John placed on top of the prison. In 2004, the state learned that the statue was “anatomically correct” and ordered the statue be “incorrected”. Some workers made T-shirts reading “Save Copper John’s Johnson” after the statue’s nickname.

15Nuuk prison

Nuuk prison

At a prison facility in Nuuk, Greenland some inmates reportedly hold the keys to their own cells (to afford them privacy), and others may leave the premises during the day to go to work or school. Perhaps surprisingly, inmates are even allowed to go hunting with rifles to shoot birds and seals.

16CPDRC dancers

CPDRC dancers

At Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC), a maximum security prison in the Philippines, inmates perform dance routines and some have even become online celebrities known as the CPDRC dancers.

17Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution

Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution

At the Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution, a brand of jeans named “Prison Blues” is produced by inmates. This prison jean manufacturing operation is one of the largest prison operations of the state.

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18The Clink

The Clink

The colloquial "The Clink" originates from a real prison, of the namesake, located in London, England that operated from the 12th century to 1780.

19Netherlands prison

Netherlands prison

Prisons in the Netherlands are testing an own-cell-key policy. Prisoners are given the key to their cell allowing them to lock and unlock their cell door during the day.

20Bedford Hills Correctional Facility

Bedford Hills Correctional Facility

The Bedford Hills Correctional Facility in New York allows pregnant inmates to keep their child with them for up to a year after giving birth.


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