Arachnid Insights: 30 Astonishing Facts About Spiders

11Jumping spider

Jumping spider

Jumping spiders chase laser pointers.

12Brown recluse spider

Brown recluse spider

In 2011, a Missouri family sued the previous owners of a house that they had just bought after Brown recluse spiders "started bleeding out of the walls." An expert came in and estimated that the house was infested with 4,500 - 6,000 of the spiders.

13Golden orb-weaver spiders

Golden orb-weaver spiders

In 2009, a rare textile made from the silk of more than a million wild spiders went on display today at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. One million golden orb-weaver spiders lent their silk to create a shimmering, golden textile. Each spider had to be caught and “milked” by hand.

14Brazilian wandering spider

Brazilian wandering spider

The venom of the Brazilian wandering spider can cause an erection that lasts for hours.

15Golden wheel spider

Golden wheel spider

There is a spider named Golden wheel spider that turns into a "wheel" and cartwheels away when it is in danger.

16Corolla spider

Corolla spider

The Corolla spider uses quartz crystals to set traps and catch its prey.

17Spider Fossils

Spider Fossils

The largest known fossil of a spider is only about half the size of its modern relatives. This means that the biggest spiders that exist today might be biggest spiders that have ever existed.

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18Brown widow spider

Brown widow spider

There exists a less venomous, invasive Brown widow spider that is slowly replacing the Black widow.

19Australian funnel-web spider

Australian funnel-web spider

The fangs of an Australian funnel-web spider can penetrate fingernails and shoes.

20Tarantula Lifespan

Tarantula Lifespan

Tarantula spiders reach full adulthood at around 10 years and female tarantula spiders have been known to live up to 30 or even 40 years.


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