1Sex offender
In a number of cities in Texas, people on the sex offender registry have to keep their outdoor lights off on Halloween.
2Switch Witch
The "Switch Witch" (also known as the "Santa of October") is something anti-candy parents are doing on Halloween. A child leaves out their bag of candy and the Switch Witch replaces it with an awesome toy.
3Ann Landers
Ann Landers is responsible for the urban legend of people putting razor blades in children's Halloween candy.
4Ghostwatch tv show
On Halloween 1992, the UK show 'Ghostwatch' purported to show a real haunting which was spreading around the country. Banned for a decade and never re-aired, it was blamed for several traumas, including a suicide.
Samhainophobia is the medical term for the irrational fear of Halloween. The root word is expressive of the ancient Celts who held a ceremony called Samhain in order to honor the harvest cycle.
6Des Moines and St. Louis
Only in Des Moines and St. Louis, local Halloween tradition calls for children not to say "trick or treat," but to tell a joke in order to earn candy. This stems from a Depression-era attempt to curb hooliganism.
7Land of Oz theme park
The abandoned Land of Oz theme park in North Carolina, deserted for decades, reopens just once a year for two days leading up to Halloween.
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8Pet costumes
Americans spend nearly $400 million on Halloween pet costumes each year.
9Harry Houdini
Magician Harry Houdini died on Halloween on October 31, 1926.
10Pork pastries
The Witchcraft Act 1735 banned pork pastries such as sausage rolls in Britain on Halloween. The law wasn't repealed until the 1950s.