11Crop circle

In Tully, Australia, in 1966, a farmer recounted seeing a UFO rising up from a swampy area and flying off. When he went toward the area of the sighting for a closer look, he saw a circular area of flattened reeds and grass. The crop circle was assumed to be made by extraterrestrials, but investigators concluded it was a waterspout.
12Heaven’s Gate Cult

The Heaven’s Gate Cult gathered a lot of attention when 38 people sadly took their own lives. They believed that there was an alien ship behind the Hale Bopp comet. The only way they could travel on the approaching UFO was to shed their mortal forms, as only their souls could make the journey.
13Donald E. Keyhoe

The book Flying Saucers from Outer Space, written by author Donald E. Keyhoe in 1953, was the first to use the term “UFO.”
14Orson Welles

In 1938, a radio program was broadcast under the direction of Orson Welles for Halloween. The performance was so convincing that the public went into a panic, believing that there was an alien invasion of UFOs.
15Kenneth Arnold

The term “flying saucer” is widely used to describe UFOs since many are shaped like a saucer. In 1947, pilot Kenneth Arnold described his UFO sighting as a “flying saucer.” Hence, the name stuck. However, many UFOs sighted also look like balls and triangles too.