80 Scary Facts about Snakes

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76Spider tailed viper

Spider tailed viper

There's a 'spider-tailed' viper that tail mimics the appearance and movement of a spider in order to lure prey.

77. An 11-year-old reticulated python named Thelma had a virgin birth at the Louisville Zoo in KY, producing six female baby snakes with no male snake ever coming near her. The zoo curator speculated it was due to optimal living conditions and that he had fed the snake 40 pounds of chicken.

78. An Island off Brazil is Estimated to have 1 Golden Lancehead Viper Per Square Meter

79. The word Anaconda originated from Tamil. anai-kondra meaning elephant killer

80. Anacondas kill prey by wrapping several coils around the creature, waiting for it to exhale, and with each exhalation, the anaconda tightens its coils so the creature cannot re-draw breath, asphyxiating prey much faster and effectively.

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