31 A Clockwork Orange

In “A Clockwork Orange”, Alex stands between two officers whose shoulder badges say 665 and 667, representing how evil of a person Alex is with him being 666.
32 Spider-Man

In Sam Riami’s Spider-Man (2002) movie, the main antagonist Green Goblin wore Nike Air Flightposites.
33 Attack of the Clones

In Attack of the Clones (2002), when Mace Windu decapitates Jango Fett, the shadows indicate that Jango’s head popped out of his helmet.
34 I Am Legend

“I Am Legend (2007) teased the existence of a Batman and Superman movie.
35 The Dark Knight

During the interrogation scene of The Dark Knight (2008), the Joker manages to get a peek of the commissioner’s watch to determine how much time he has left until the timers run out.
36 Team America

In Team America: World Police, the Paris ‘set’ has a floor made of Croissants.
37 Thor: Ragnarok

At the end of Thor: Ragnarok, Hulk clinches his fist when he sees Loki up close for the first time since beating him senseless at Stark tower in the original Avengers. He saw him only from a distance earlier in the movie.
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38 The Last Jedi

In Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Rose Tico, a mechanic, uses wire as a hair tie.
39 Revenge of the Sith

In Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005), when Anakin and Obi-Wan speak for the last time as friends, Anakin is standing in the dark and Obi-Wan in the light, representing their status within the Force.
40 Captain America Civil War

In Captain America Civil War, Ant-man’s suit glows blue when he grows, due to the injection of Blue Pym Particles. It normally glows red.
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I really like the inception one i know the first time i watched it i couldnt figure out what he was doing i assumed he was covering muzzle flash