1 Compete for the Meat
In 2011, a British comedy quiz show named “Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat” premiered, in which contestants competed for a frozen chicken, while the second placed team got sausages.
2 Alternative 3
In 1977, a faux-documentary called ‘Alternative 3’ caused mass panic in the UK. It alleged that the Earth was becoming uninhabitable and the government was kidnapping scientists to prepare for colonization of Moon and Mars.
3 Naughtiest Home Videos
Australia’s Naughtiest Home Videos was a special spin-off of Australia’s Funniest Home Video Show, which depicted videos of sexual situations and other sexually explicit content. It was taken off part-way through its first and only episode that aired in 1992, at the demand of the network’s owner Kerry Packer.
4 Pokémon Shock
In 1997, a Pokemon episode which had flashing lights visual effect ended up inducing mass seizures in children across Japan. About 685 viewers were taken to hospitals. When this incident was reported on the nightly news, they replayed the offending scene, which induced yet more seizures.
5 Flemish Secession
In 2006, regular programming was interrupted on the Belgian public television channel with a news bulletin claiming that the Northern portion of Belgium, better known as Flanders, had declared succession and freedom from the Kingdom of Belgium. It showed interviews with prominent Belgian politicians as well as footage of the evacuation of the royal family. All of this turned out to be a hoax.
6 Guy Goma
In 2006, a man named Guy Goma showed up at the BBC for a job interview as a computer technician. He was mistaken for Guy Kewney, a computer expert, and put on live TV to discuss a judicial verdict. Despite his amazing performance faking his way through the segment, he did not get the job.
7 Greg Packer
A retired highway maintenance worker named Greg Packer has been quoted over 100 times by news outlets, including AP, New York Times, NY Post, and Newsday, as their “man on the streets.” He has admitted to making things up to get into the paper. Many agencies in the USA now have directives against interviewing him.
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8 Heil Honey, I’m Home
In 1990, a controversial sitcom aired on British television which was titled “Heil Honey, I’m Home!” The show centered around the fictionalized versions of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun and their inability to get along with their Jewish neighbors. The show was canceled after 1 episode.
9 KLF Foundation
In 1994, the duo responsible for 1990s electronic band The KLF, in a performance art piece called “K Foundation Burn a Million Quid,” burned all the money they had earned, which was a million pounds. The video aired on television a year later. They swore off discussing the project for 23 years, but 8 years later, admitted they regretted burning the money.
10 Michael Larson
In 1984, a man named Michael Larson who was a contestant on “Press Your Luck” won 45 consecutive spins and earned a total of $110,237 in cash and prizes. It was at that time the largest one-day total ever won on a game show. He was able to do so by using the stop-motion feature on his VCR and memorize the patterns used in the game board.
#35 I saw that on live TV, I was nine.
#21 and #22 I don’t remember them at all.