40 Terrifying Facts About Animals



The Orange Clown Fish family consists of several males living with a female, which is the largest fish in the group. She harasses her female offsprings and denies them access to food to control their size to deter sexual competition. The largest male exclusively reproduces with the largest female until she dies. Then, the largest male develops female reproductive organs, turns into a female and the next largest male becomes the breeding male.



Koalas have a scent gland on their chest that they use to mark their territory by aggressively hugging trees. At the culmination of the violent tantrum which is koala coitus, the male leaves a seminal plug which blocks the female's multiple vaginas from being entered by the hemipenis of another koala. Female koalas are also infamous for engaging in lesbian sex. Females often overlook males and participate in sexual acts with other females, sometimes in orgies with up to 5 female koalas. Also, koalas are riddled with chlamydia.



Beaver’s teeth are orange because they are fortified with iron which makes them strong and cavity-resistant. Their teeth also continuously grow and self-sharpen, which is why they are always chewing on wood.

34Queen Bee

Queen Bee

Honey bees initially have up to 21 virgin queen bees, who fight to the death until there is only one left. Then when male honeybees mate with the queen, their penises explode (which is audible to the human ear) and they die. During the queen's nuptial flight, she'll mate with about a dozen partners and leave a trail of dead, penisless bees in her wake.



Wombat poop is cube-shaped. Wombats produce 80-100 cubes per day, and carefully place them on rocks, logs, and in front of burrows to mark their territory. The unique shape prevents the droppings from rolling away.

36Zombie Worm

Zombie Worm

Osedax worms a.k.a. zombie worms are deep sea worms that eat the bones of a whale fall, and the microscopic males live inside the females to save themselves the trouble of searching for a mate. One female zombie worm was found to have 111 males living inside her.

37Berry Bugs

Berry Bugs

Berry Bugs (chiggers) don't burrow into your skin. They drill holes and inject their enzymatic saliva that liquefies your skin cells which they then feed on.

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Silverfish have an elaborate mating ritual that involves three steps. In the first step the male and female silverfish stand head to head, facing each other, their wiggling antennae touching. During this time the two silverfish repeatedly retreat from each other and then return to their former position. Once this first stage is the over the male runs away and the female chases after. The third stage occurs when the female catches the male. Once the female has caught the male, the two silverfish stand head to tail, side by side, while the male vibrates his tail against the female. This mating ritual can last for up to 30 minutes.

39Fruit Fly

Fruit Fly

A tiny fruit fly species named Drosophila bifurca produces gargantuan sperm cells that are 6 centimeters or 2.4 inches long. That’s 20 times longer than the fly itself, and a thousand times longer than the average human sperm.

40Sea Otters

Sea Otters

Sea otters are known to drown baby seals and rape them. They also rape dead female otter corpses. Apparently, their mating ritual is to claw the female and often push the female's head into the water until they submit. Sometimes the females drown and the male just keeps going because he thinks the female is submitting. In fact, otters engage in necrophilia so much that it is beginning to impact their populations.


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