30 Interesting Facts about James Bond

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26 Vesper Martini

Vesper Martini

You can’t make a true James Bond Vesper martini anymore. Kina Lillet was discontinued and reformulated in 1986, making the scene in the Casino Royale movie anachronistic (unless the bar had an old bottle lying around).

27. Sean Connery was considered to portray Kincade, the gamekeeper of Skyfall Lodge, in Skyfall.

28. Henry Cavill, star of the Man of Steel, was next in line to be cast as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter, Edward Cullen in Twilight, and James Bond in Casino Royale, but lost the roles all three times.

29. James Bond originally used a Beretta 418 until a fan of the novels (and small arms expert) told Ian Flemming that it was a lady’s gun. Flemming wrote a scene in Dr. No to detail the exchange and give Bond his now famous Walther PPK.

30. The existence of MI6, the agency with which James Bond works, wasn’t officially acknowledged by the British government until 1994.

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