27 Intriguing Facts About Ghosts, Myths, and the Supernatural

1North Carolina Sewer Monster

North Carolina Sewer Monster

There is a large blobby mass called the ‘North Carolina Sewer Monster’ found to be living in the sewers of Raleigh, North Carolina. No one knows exactly what it is composed of and it reacts to light and heat by pulsating and retracting.

2The Curse of Tippecanoe

The Curse of Tippecanoe

“The Curse of Tippecanoe” is a pattern that has been observed since 1840 where all US presidents have died in the office if they were elected in a year divisible by 20. The only exceptions to this curse have been Presidents Reagan and George W. Bush, both of whom survived assassination attempts.

3Phantom barber

Phantom barber

In 1942, residents of Pascagoula, Mississippi lived in fear of the "phantom barber": a criminal who would sneak into homes at night only to steal locks of hair from his victims. Though an arrest was made, many believe it to be a setup, and the identity of the phantom barber remains a mystery.

4Oscar Love curse

Oscar Love curse

The ‘Oscar Love Curse’ is a strong superstition that is believed to be true in Hollywood circles. According to it, a woman who is awarded the Academy Award for Best Actress or Best Supporting Actress is doomed to have her relationship fail, where her boyfriend or husband will cheat on her or divorce her soon after.

5Chinese roofs

Chinese roofs

Traditional Chinese roofs are curved to ward off evil spirits, which apparently can only travel in straight lines.

6Frau Perchta

Frau Perchta

In German folklore, Frau Perchta is a witch who roams the German countryside for 12 days leading up to Christmas, leaving silver coins to good children and cutting open the bellies and replacing the organs of bad children with straw and pebbles.

7Questing Beast

Questing Beast

In Arthurian legend, the Questing Beast was a creature with the head of a serpent, body of a leopard, haunches of a lion, and feet of a deer. It may have inspired by third-hand descriptions of giraffes from merchants.

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Hy-Brasil is a phantom island that is said to lie in the Atlantic Ocean west of Ireland. Irish myths described it as cloaked in mist except for one day every seven years when it becomes visible. It is listed on several early maps, but still cannot be reached.

9Hoia baciu forest

Hoia baciu forest

Hoia baciu forest, the most haunted forest in the world is often referred to as the Bermuda Triangle of Romania. It's been known for intense paranormal activity and unexplained events: intense feelings of being watched, ghost sightings, bizarre-looking vegetation, UFO sightings, hundreds of missing persons, etc.



The Snallygaster is a legendary half-reptile, half-bird, dragon-like beast with a metallic beak lined with razor-sharp teeth that inhabits the hills surrounding Washington, D.C. and Frederick County, Maryland.


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