1 Dog and puppy
If you have an exceptional dog that is well behaved and smart, get a puppy before your dog gets too old to get around. The adult dog will teach the new puppy how he should act in your home.
2 Google drive app
You can search movies on Google by typing “google drive (insert movie title)” and the movie will pop up. You can narrow the search by typing “site:drive.google.com” to remove the other results and only restrict to that domain.
3 YouTube ads
You can actually skip unskippable ads on YouTube. In the lower-left corner of the ad, next to the ad time remaining, there is an information symbol (an “i” inside a circle) which you can click on and select the option “Stop seeing this ad”, where three options are given after. You can choose any of those options and it will stop playing the ad.
4 King Arthur Flour
If you are baking and you have questions, King Arthur Flour has a Hotline where you can speak to a Baker free of charge. Their hotline is 855 371 2253. You can talk directly to a Baker and get all your questions answered.
5 Banana peels
Tossing food waste (like banana or orange peels) in nature is often detrimental to the environment and should be disposed of properly. Tossing food waste onto the ground, even if it’s “biodegradable” can be really bad for the environment and defies Leave No Trace practices. Even food that breaks down quickly doesn’t usually break down fast enough for a critter to get to and can attract wildlife to areas they aren’t accustomed to (or feed them things they’re not supposed to have).
6 YouTube video
If you pause a video on YouTube, you can advance it a single frame with the period and rewind it a single frame with the comma.
7 House smell
The smell of your house from when you come back from a trip is what others always smell when they meet you. This will be helpful when inviting guests over or keeping your house clean.
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8 FaceApp
If you use FaceApp, you give the company the irrevocable right to use your face, likeness, and name commercially.
9 Refrigerated food
If you leave refrigerated food out of place in most grocery stores, it will be thrown out and wasted. Even if it still feels cold to the touch, employees are instructed to throw it out to avoid the possibility of food poisoning. Even if you’ve carried something around for a while and decide not to buy something (let’s say, milk) put it back where you found it if you don’t want to waste it. Even if you put it in a different refrigerated area, it could be trashed.
10 Dump trucks
In the US the signs on the backs of dump trucks that say “stay back x distance, not responsible for broken windshields” are absolutely false. They are still liable for everything that is on their truck. The sign is just a scare tactic and holds no legal meaning.