1 Tyrol Platform, Austria

At first glance this observation deck located almost 11,000 feet above Stubai glacier near Tyrol, Austria looks like little more than a high dive platform. The only way to get here is to take a cable car and then climb a long staircase to the top. On clear days though, the journey is worth it with views reaching as far as Venice, Italy.
2 Golden Rock, Myanmar

Teetering on the edge of Mount Kyaikhtiyo is a popular pilgrimage site for Buddhists who believe the trek to the summit will give them good health and fortune.
3 Gozo Cliffs, Malta

Dropping straight down into the Mediterranean Sea these insanely high outcroppings are perfect for cliff diving, or maybe just watching the sunset if you want to play it safe.
4 Llangollen Canal, Wales

Just east of Llangollen, Wales you will find the world’s longest and highest aqueduct. Every year it ferries thousands of boats across its narrow span and with no guard rails, the ride can be a bit unnerving as the boat slams against the metal sides of the trough.
5 Trolltunga, Norway

Jutting out of the mountain above Skjeggedal in Odda, Norway, this outcropping’s name literally translates to ‘Trolls Tongue’ in Norwegian.
6 Atlanterhavsveien, Norway

The Atlantic Ocean Road (Atlanterhavsveien) in Norway is just as precarious as the other places on this list albeit for a different reason. Winding its way across the surface of the waves motorists have to be extremely cautious as harsh winds and crashing surf easily make this one of the more dangerous stretches of pavement in the world.
7 Meteora monasteries, Greece

The surreal Meteora monasteries of Greece were originally built by monks to be a refuge from Turkish invaders and until 100 years ago there wasn’t any way to get to them except for rope ladders. Today, however, you can take a cable car or walk up the perilous staircase cut into the stone.
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8 Devil’s Pool, Zambia

This natural rock pool on the edge of Victoria Falls in Zambia is a popular destination for tourists seeking a close brush with death. If you are feeling adventurous you can even lay down with your arms extended over the edge.
9 Preikestolen, Norway

Also known as the Preacher’s Pulpit, visiting this 600-meter high cliff is not recommended in winter or spring when the path to the top is paved with ice. In summer, though the view of the valley below is breathtaking.
10 Crystal Pools, South Africa

These cliffs found not far from the legislative capital of South Africa surround a calm bay and are often used by thrill-seekers as a diving platform.
Cliffs of Moher is in Ireland, not Iceland.
Thank you for pointing out.
Every one of those gave me the heebie-jeebies! Thanks a lot. There will be nightmares tonight!