1Belgica Antarctica

There is just one insect species native to Antarctica called Belgica Antarctica.
2Lenin statue

In the geographical center of Antarctica stands a statue of Lenin.
3Apsley Cherry-Garrard

In 1912, three men set out to recover emperor penguin eggs from Antarctica. It was so cold one man's teeth (Apsley Cherry-Garrard) chattered so violently that they shattered. When he returned to the UK, the National History Museum refused to accept the eggs.
4Dry Valleys

The driest place on Earth is in Antarctica in an area called the Dry Valleys, which have seen no rain for nearly 2 million years. There is absolutely no precipitation in this region.

There is a bar in Antarctica. It is the world's southernmost bar.

It rarely ever snows in Antarctica. The snow there has accumulated over many years and the temperature never rises enough to melt it.
7Travis McHenry

In 2001, an American named Travis McHenry claimed a huge chunk of previously unclaimed Antarctican peninsula as his own nation through a supposed loophole in the Antarctic Treaty.
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8South Georgia Island

The Antarctica South Georgia Island is said to be more biologically diverse than the Galapagos.

Antarctica is claimed by 8 different countries and is technically "owned" by science.

You cannot work in Antarctica unless your wisdom teeth and appendix are removed.