15 Unusual Communities Around the World That Defy Norms

1Turks of South Carolina

Turks of South Carolina

The Turks of South Carolina is a community that traces its lineage back to Joseph Benenhaley, or Yusef Ben Ali, an Ottoman Turk refugee who fought in the American Revolutionary War, and whose members were discriminated against as "second-class citizens" in the segregated South.

2Gas Plant Neighborhood

Gas Plant Neighborhood

Tropicana Field in Florida was once home to a thriving African-American community known as the Gas Plant neighborhood from the late 1800s until 1986.

3Supai Village

Supai Village

There are people who live inside the Grand Canyon. Supai Village, the capital of the Havasupai Indian Reservation, boasts a population of a couple of hundred residents. It is considered the most remote community in the continental US, and therefore is the only place where mail is delivered and carried by mule.

4Tangier Island

Tangier Island

Tangier Island is a small island community in the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia, where people speak with a unique dialect resembling British English. Due to rising sea levels, however, the island is expected to be lost in the next 50 years.

5Seneca Village

Seneca Village

Seneca Village was a small community that was composed mostly of free black people. It was destroyed in the 1850s to make way for New York City’s Central Park.

6Nutbush City Limits

Nutbush City Limits

The real-life area of Nutbush, Tennessee, which was mentioned in Tina Turner’s song “Nutbush City Limits”, is an unincorporated community. It has no official boundaries and therefore there are no Nutbush city limits.

7Pinecraft Amish Snowboard Community

Pinecraft Amish Snowboard Community

Pinecraft Amish Snowboard Community is a planned community near Sarasota, Florida where Amish and Mennonite families go for vacation.

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8Ding Dong

Ding Dong

Ding Dong, Texas was an unincorporated community founded in the 1930s that got its name from a sign that had "Ding" and "Dong" painted underneath two bells. In 2000, it had a population of 22.

9Oneida Community

Oneida Community

The Oneida Silverware company started as a free love commune in upstate New York. The company was originally a religious commune that practiced selective breeding, encouraged postmenopausal women to sleep with teenage boys, and believed Jesus returned in 70 A.D.

10Tristan da Cunha

Tristan da Cunha

Tristan da Cunha is a British island in the Atlantic that’s located 2400 km away from the nearest continent. The island is a commune, where all land is communally owned and cattle numbers are restricted to discourage wealth accumulation.


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