13 Crazy Coincidences That Are Too Hard To Believe But True

11Marilyn Vos Savant

Marilyn Vos Savant

There is no correlation between Marilyn Vos Savant (the lady with the highest IQ) and Savant Syndrome or Idiot Savant (a condition whereby people have exceptionally high IQ and show extreme aptitude in certain skills), but rather, it is a pure coincidence that they have the same name.

12Armand Hammer

Armand Hammer

Someone named Armand Hammer sat on the Board of Directors for the parent company of Arm & Hamme and it was all just a coincidence.

13Crossword puzzle

Crossword puzzle

In 1944 by a huge coincidence, a crossword puzzle of Daily Telegraph was printed with answers containing all D-Day operation "code names", which sent MI5 into a panic mode thinking their invasion plans had been discovered.

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